7- Sam

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The anxiety that was boiling in my stomach wouldn't go away even after Ben and I were seated and Noah went back to being a busboy. I was trying to hide my fidgeting hands by holding the menu.

Noah and I were over. Done with. Broken up in every sense of the word. So why did I feel so guilty? Whether I was guilty for sitting here with Ben in front of Noah or guilty for the way I completely shut down when I saw Noah, I didn't know.

I didn't want Ben to think he had anything to worry about. He didn't. Ben meant so much to me. And Noah... he meant... other things. Complicated things.

"They have so much pasta on their menu, every time I pick one, I see different one I like."

I chuckled for Ben's sake, but it was a little forced. I felt like I didn't know how to act. What was wrong with me? I should've taken Ben's offer to leave.

"Yeah," is all I responded with. Then I felt his hand touch mine, so I set my menu down.

"This is weird, isn't it? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable," I corrected him.

"I don't, I promise. Noah can't ruin my night with you."

I smiled and felt warmth fold over me like a weighted blanket. "Okay. Um. Have you decided on what you want to eat? I'm thinking either pesto tortellini or baked chicken and ziti."

"Ooo, both sound good. You get pesto tortellini and I get baked chicken ziti and we can mooch off each other's?" He offered with a delightful smile.

"Sounds good," I said. I probably would've been concerned about the calories, but Noah working there threw me off and gave me whip lash. That entire dinner I was distracted. And for some reason I had the urge to argue with Noah about anything and nothing. Why did I feel like this?

But the worst part of my dinner was when Ben got up to use the bathroom. I had a few moments to glance at Noah and I wished I hadn't.

He was at the protium when I looked up at him. A blonde girl had walked up to Noah. She said something to him and was about to walk out until Noah pulled her back. They exchanged some words and then my heart fell the the bottom of my gut when I saw Noah kiss her.

Noah had a girlfriend? I had no idea. The blonde didn't go to the party on Saturday, I thought he might've been with the girl with the short black hair.

The blonde looked like a similar person from mine and Noah's past. His ex girlfriend Kaitlyn. The girl Noah was kissing had long, straight blonde hair and a body to kill for. Maybe Noah really did have a type: blondes.

I looked down at the pasta dinner in front of me, then feeling too nauseous to eat.

"You okay?" I glanced up when I heard Ben's voice. He took his seat. I put on a smile that said I was fine and the remaining dinner was mostly Ben speaking.

About a half hour later, I thanked God when I stepped out of that restaurant. Finally I could breath. But even in the car, driving away for Rosemary, that image of Noah kissing the blonde was burning into my brain.

The only thing I knew to cure my anxiety, Ben.

I placed my hand on his thigh while he drove. Adore You by Harry Styles playing in the background from Ben's phone plugged into the Aux. "Ya' know, it's dark out."

Ben chuckled, "Yes, and?"

"Annnd," I slid my hand up towards his crotch. "What if you pulled over and had some sexy time," I suggested with an innocent grin.

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