31. Sam

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Ben and I got back to my dorm room in the evening. As soon as I pulled up, I texted Noah that I was back and I'd come over later. He just hearted it which kind of threw me off. I was expecting a "finally" or "bout time" response.

Putting my phone in my pocket before releasing a sigh because it was time to end it. Oh gosh, how am I going to do this? Taking a deep breath again, I turned to Ben. We had just parked and usually he walks me to my dorm room, but it was better to get it out then. "Thank you for driving me."

"Of course, sweetheart," Ben unbuckled his seat belt, but before he could take the key out of the ignition, I put my hand on his arm to stop him.

"Hold on. I-" spit it out, Sam. Rip the bandaid off.  But I couldn't look at him. Call me a coward, but I've watched him cry enough this weekend and I didn't want to see it again knowing I was causing it. "I need to tell you-"

"Stop," Ben cut me off. "I already know what you're about to say and you don't have to," he told me making my eyebrows rise. Was this going to be easier than I thought? "I knew something was off this weekend, but I know you and I know you were just trying to be there for me. Which I appreciate."

"Oh, um... I'm sorry," I said, still feeling guilty. What else do I say?

"It's okay," then with sad eyes, "maybe it's my fault, I-"

"No, God no," I assured him quickly. "Ben, you're such a good boyfriend, I care about you so much. None of this is your fault. But Noah-"

Ben shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut. "I don't want any details. I'm over it." He took a deep breath and looked at me with an unsteady smile, "us two are okay."

Relief flooded me. I knew being with Noah, I could never be friends with Ben, but it was nice to know we weren't ending on bad terms. "I do care about you, you know."

"I know you do." I didn't know what to say after that, so I reached over the center console and gave him a hug. Ben waited for me to get into the building to make sure I was safe before heading back to his campus. I wanted to laugh at how simple that was. I felt ridiculous. Of course Ben would be understanding, he always was. I felt so much relief, I couldn't wait to tell Noah.

"Noah?" I apparently didn't have to wait long because when I walked into my dorm room, Noah was sitting on my bed, seemingly looking at photos Kai had taken. Kai stopped talking to Noah and they both looked at me when I entered.

Noah handed the photos back to Kai, "Those look really awesome," Noah told Kai before standing up. He was smiling. "Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" He asked me with a chuckle. A chuckle. I'm sorry, wasn't he just upset with me?

Ben took the breakup like it was nothing and Noah seemed not angry at all. I wasn't complaining, but did I step into another universe because that was how it felt.

"What are you doing here? I told you I was coming over tonight," I said in awe.

Noah wrapped his arms around me. "I wanted to see you." With butterflies in my stomach, I hugged him back then pulled away with a grin. "What?" He questioned, "why you smiling like that?"

"I broke up with him," my smile grew as I watched Noah's reaction; eyes widening, broad smile.

"You're joking?" He questioned, keeping his hands on waist.

I shook my head proudly, "I'm not."

Kai coughed to get our attention, "imma leave you two to it," he pats me on the shoulder, "glad to hear you ended it, but I don't want to hear what you guys are about to start," he spoke jokingly, but it was a pretty valid assumption.

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