How Could You

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(A week and a half have passed since the accident currently Friday.)

Lucy's POV

Everthing isn't back to normal but better. My uncle is stable and no longer needs a heart monitor. The doctors say he's gotten better since then and might wake up in the next week or so. I'm just glad that everything worked out. Well almost everything.

I don't know why but I feel like Natsu and I haven't been connecting much like we used to. He also hasn't talked much to me. Maybe there something up with him. It's mostly been Gray who's been there. Anyways I'll just talk to Natsu, things with get better, right?

I did my morning routine and went downstairs to see my mom, but she wasn't there. There was a note that read:

Dear Lucy, I went to see your uncle before I bring your father home. The doctors released him today. We'll be there before your home from school. There's also a bacon and egg sandwich for you in the fridge.
Love, mom.

At least that's good. I walked to the fridge and took out the sandwich my mom was talking about. I ate half and left the other half on the counter. I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After, I got my backpack and walked out.

As I was walking, I decided to go to the store near my house to get some tea. As I walked in, I saw Erza and Gray. They were both taking and enjoying what I thought was coffee. I walked near them.

"Hey guys" I said excitedly. They stoped talking and turned their attention to me.

"Hey lucy" the both said in unison.

"I didn't know you both came here." I said.

"I called Gray and asked him to come here with me." Erza said. "We would've told you but I thought you might be enjoying your morning with Natsu, and Gray agreed so we didn't ask."

"Well no I wasn't with him but I appreciate that you would do that." I smiled.

"Well since your here, your welcome to stay with us." Gray smiled which I returned.

"Yeah" Erza smiled.

"Thanks guys" I said. "I'm gonna get some tea and I'll be back." I walked away and went to the counter to order some tea.

"What would you like?" the man at the counter asked.

"I'd like some green tea please." I asked politely.

"Would you like sugar, honey, lemon?" he asked

"Um, lemon is fine." I said

"Ok your tea will be ready soon."

"Thank you" I said and walked back to my friends.

"So how are you?" Erza asked.

"I'm good just a little tired and confused, but other than that, I'm fine.

"Anything you wanna get off your chest?" Gray asked.

"No I'm good" after I said that Erza spoke.

"You sure?"

"Yes, and why are you both asking me these questions?"

"No reason" theh both said and sipped on their coffee.

(5 min passes Lucy got her tea and they were ready to leave)

We all started walking to school and made it under 5min. When we walked in, I threw away my cup.

"So are you and Natsu going on a date anytime soon?" Erza said and smirked when Gray walked away to throw away his cup.

"I don't know, we have talked but he hasn't asked yet."

"Well then why don't you do it yourself."

"You mean ask myself?

"Yeah, why do you look so surprised. It's the 21st century, there's nothing wrong with taking charge."

"Alright, I guess I'll ask him after class." I said

"See, it's not that weird once you think about it."


Gray came towards us both.

"What are you two talking about?"

"Just what we might do after school." I spoke up.

"Anways, let's get to class." Gray said


We all started walking to our rooms. Gray and I gave first period together. We separated to our different classes and went in. But before we left Erza spoke.

"Rememebr what I told you." she said and walked through the door.

"What's she talking about?" Gray asked me.

"Its nothing important." I smiled hoping he wouldn't ask further.

"Oh ok" he said

We walked in and soon after that class started.

As I was listening and taking notes, I was just thinking about how much I loved it here. It was different and it's been better. I may have moved away from home, but I feel like this is becoming home now.

(Class ended)

The bell rung and class ended. "Make sure to read pages 100-105" Mr. Laxus said. The day was going smooth. Next thing I know lunch came. Then the end of the day. What a good day I had. Gray came up to me.

"You wanna walk home with me?

"Sure but I'll be back. Give me 5 min."

"Ok" he responded.

I was looking for Natsu. I saw him and ran up to him. But what I saw horrified me. He was kissing Lisanna.

"Na-natsu?" I asked my voice shaky.

He looked me blankly.


"How-how could yo-you.

"I'm sorry, I really am, I didn't mean it!"

I ran away crying.

"Lucy!!" I heard him yell but I didn't care.

How could he, I thought he loved me. I was starting to love it here. It was starting to become better than home. Most of all, I loved him.

I ran into an empty classroom and let all of my emotions spill out of my like a water fall. Maybe I don't deserve happiness.

As I was crying, I heard footsteps. I didn't know who it was, but thought it was Natsu.

"Go away" I said wanting to be alone.

But the person just kept walking toward me.

Maybe moving here was a mistake.

Chappy ended. Wonder who that was O.O
Anyways follow, vote, or comment. Tune in for the next chap ^-^ p.s. don't know if the song fits the chapter but I thought it kinda did so I put it in there

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