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*Lucy's POV*

(Next day)

I decided not to think about what happened yesterday and tried to clear my mind and relaxed.

*Gray's POV*

I saw the guys after school in the school yard sitting down. So I walked over to them.

"What's up guys?"

"Just talking about school" Loke replied

"Okay" I said as I sat down next to him and put my bag down.

"How's it going with Erza?" I asked Jellal

"Really good. We went to the movies last week"

"How about you Gajeel?"

"It's the same it's going good. We did hang out recently"

"I'm glad you guys are happy" I said

"How's it going with Lucy?" Loke asked

"Fine I'm actually thinking of hanging out with her later" I replied

"So Loke" I started "you have a crush on anyone?" I asked

"I guess I had a little on Mira before but no I don't"

"Oh well I'm sure you'll find someone" I said

"Yeah it's not always easy to find the one" Jellal said agreeing

"Why cause you all have girlfriends I need one?" Loke said frowning

"No of course not" Gajeel said

"You're all acting cool because you have chicks" he said angerly

"Who said that?!" Jellal yelled

"I did and you even made fun of my crush"

"Your being ridiculous Loke" Gajeel said

"You guys can never go a day without talking about any of them"

"Tell me when you've ever heard us talk about our girlfriends?" Jellal said

"All the time just trying to brag"

I sat there uncomfortably watching all of them arguing.

"Hold on, you guys are being-"

"SHUT UP!" They all said to me cutting me of.

"What did I do!" I said confused as to why they told me to shut up.

"Because your even worse than them" Loke said "everything is Lucy, Lucy, Lucy"

"Now you know that's a lie"

"Is it, is it really Gray?"

"Any back up here guys?" I asked

"No cause you didn't back us up" Gajeel said with both of them looking at me.

"Okay then"

"If you have somewhere to be you can leave" Loke snarled

"Your right, and it's with Lucy" I said before taking off.

I can just imagine how mad he was.

Though it wasn't uncommon to see them arguing, I hope that by later they'll love each other again.

I remembered that I did want to hang out with Lucy but she might've left. I looked around for her and saw her heading out the classroom.

"Hey" I smiled

"Hi" she said smiling back

"Your still here? Most of the people were happy to leave" she said

"Well, I was in the school yard talking to the guys. Well it sorta turned into more of an argument"

"Really what happened?" She said, starting to walk.

"Loke was mad at Gajeel, Jellal, and I for "bragging" about our girlfriends. Though it more was like being delusional"

"Maybe he was just upset. Are they still in the yard?"


"Well, why aren't you there?"

"Cause it was getting weird, they're all mad at me, and Loke told me to leave"

"You think they'll make up soon?"

"Yeah, it's not rare to see them arguing. We're close and sometimes fight like brothers" I said smiling

"Well, I guess if they act like brothers than in no time they'll love each other again" she smiled


"Hey I forgot" she started "there's something I wanna tell you"

"Alright I'm listening"

*Lucy's POV*

"Well first lets sit down somewhere" I said sitting on the edge if the sidewalk

"Alright" he replied sitting next to me

"So yesterday I went to the park with Cana, to hang out. While we were there, Juvia came and wanted to talk to me"

"What did she say?" He asked

"Well at first she said she'd leave everyone alone if I did a favor for her. But I didn't want to here what it was so I went back to Cana"

"Did she tell your what it was?"

"Yeah I'm getting to that"

"When I was walking back home she wanted to talk so I agreed. Now this time I listened to what her favor was. She wanted me to breakup with you"

"Well what'd you say?"

"No of course but she got mad and said "I'll get Gray if it's the last thing I do"

"So she really did this?"

So he doesn't believe me?

"You don't believe me?"

"No it's not that I don't believe she'd try to do something like that but she wouldn't go up to someone and it'd be more like setting someone up or having some kind of devious plan"

"So you do believe me?"

"Well I remember when you told me I should give her a chance because she might've came back to change"

"But I don't think she did"

"Well, I've kinda decided to because she hasn't pulled anything that I know of"

"Hello what about my encounter yesterday?"

"How about you just try to over look it?"

"What how could I"

"Because maybe she didn't mean it"

"Or maybe she brainwahsed you"

"So if I'm giving someone another chance, like you told me to, I'm being brainwashed?"

"That's not what I meant"

"That's what you said"

"You know what, it doesn't matter I'm going home" I said getting up.

"Well I actually wanted to hang out" he said

"I don't want to see you tomorrow" I said walking away"

So he didn't care at all? Maybe, maybe he was kidding or he was just in thought with something else. He couldn't possiblily have been serious right?
End of chapter. Thanks for reading and since I didn't update yesterday, I'm doing it today. Stay tuned for the next chapter bye ^-^

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