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*Lucy's POV*

It was the next and I was still thinking about yesterday.

I'm pretty sure it's because he likes Juvia.

I shook that thought out of my head.

*Gray's POV*

I didn't really understand why Lucy was mad after she did say Juvia might've came back for a change.

When it was lunch, I went back to my locker to put away books I didn't need.

"Hi babe" I looked to my side and saw Juvia.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed

"Well more like something you don't want"

"What are you talking about?"

"You know, your girlfriend seems to like me" she smirked

"Don't do anything you'll regret"

"Well how bout this" she started "you kiss me and I'll leave you alone. What do you say?"


"Okay then, I'll have to upload this picture" she said holding her phone up.

I grabbed the phone out if her hand and examined the picture.

"Why do you still have this?"

"Because I like you" she smiled

"Delete it" I said firmly

"Kiss me"


"Okay then, Lucy will just have to see and adorable photo of us together"

"That was taken 3 years ago get over yourself"

"But do you think she'll know that?"

"She knows we dated before"

"Not if I tweak the photo a little and make it more...recent"

What a psycho.But what am supposed to do? I can't kiss her.

"What's the matter she isn't around"

I sighed

"It doesn't have to be long Gray I'm just asking for 1 kiss"

She's right its just one. And it won't mean anything.

"Fine, but you better delete that"

"Agreed" she smiled


I looked around and kissed her quickly.

"See that wasn't so hard"

*Lucy's POV*

When I was walking back, I saw Juvia kissing someone. At first I didn't know who but then I took a second look and saw....Gray?

I walked up to them.


"Oh Lucy um"

"Did you just...."

"Look I know this looks bad but you have to give me a chance to explain"

I walked away feeling I don't even know. I couldn't even understand my own feelings.

Then I heard someone running up to me.

"Gray don't"

"Look you have to let me explain"

"Okay then why?"

"Well any way I say it, it would sound bad"

"So your not going to tell me?"

"Well I want to but-" he was cut off by some other people.

"Omg, Juvia's new profile picture is cute" I could hear some girls saying

"Yeah, I guess she scored with Gray again"

"Wait, what?" I said as I took one of the girl's phone and looked at the picture

"What's this?"

"Look I know what your thinking but-" he was interrupted by Juvia

"Your not innocent either" Juvia scowled

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"I know what you and Natsu did" she said crossing her arms

What does she mean? Oh is she talking about?...

"What happened Lucy?" Gray asked looking a little mad

I hesataited a little.

"He kissed me"

"When yesterday, 2 days ago?"

"I don't really remember but a little while ago"

"And you didn't tell me!"

"Because I knew you would get mad, and maybe hurt Natsu. And just create unnecessary drama"

"How would you have known it you didn't even tell me?!"

"Because that's what you do!"

"No I don't!"

"Well I didn't tell you because it's not important"

"Or maybe because you didn't mind"

"That's not true and you know it. And your not all innocent either, you kissed Juvia!"

"I did it to protect you"


"Because that picture of us is true but it's from a while ago"


"You don't believe me"

"You could of just took her phone and deleted it yourself but I think you wanted to her have it"

"Lucy why are you being like this you know I would never cheat on you?"

"How can I believe that when the proof is right in front of my face?"

"You know what Lucy I don't care believe me or not but I don't care. Just don't get all mad at me because Natsu kissed you and you didn't tell me"

"But that's different he did it to me. You and Juvia did it together. Were you even gonna tell me!?"

"Yeah I was but your getting mad for no reason"

"Don't your dare say for no reason"

"Okay then fine"


I can't believe it am I really having and argument with Gray?

Chapter end. Some drama going on what will happen? Also I'm super sorry I made a "schedule" and didn't even update according to that. So I'll update when I'm not busy but schools started so I'll have more time. But here is the chapter and I hope you enjoyed it. Bye ^-^

Could It Be Love? (Graylu)Where stories live. Discover now