Locked Out

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(Erza's POV)

After school ended, I decided to wait for Lucy or Levy. As I was waiting I heard someone yell my name.

"Yo Erza!"

I turned around to see Gray running towards me.

"Oh yo need something?"

"Yeah do you wanna come to the shop with me after school?"

"Sure just text me whenever"

"Ok" he simply replied and walked away. But after he was almost to the exit, hr turned and looked at me.

"Just don't bring anyone especially Lucy"

He then walked out the door.

Don't bring anyone. Why? And why especially not Lucy?

I decided not to make a big deal about it and left.

(Lucy's POV)

I didn't see my friends in the hallway. That's probably because I was dismissed a little later due to helping my teacher put away somethings. I decided to leave by myself and just head home. As I was walking and humming I found a $10 bill on the ground.

Today must be my lucky day.

I looked up at the sky. Some clouds were rolling in and they looked like storm clouds.

Wait, shouldn't it be snowing by now? I continued walking until I reached my house. As I was walking up the stairs, I was trying to get out my key. But I didn't feel it in my bag. I put my bag down and continued searching, but still no luck.

Don't tell me I'm locked out.

I looked around for my parents' cars. They weren't they.

Dammit they must be at work even worse I'm outside and it looks like it's gonna rain. After I said that, ironically, it started to rain. Now it has to rain. Maybe I'm not so lucky.

(Erza's POV)

I got a text from Gray saying to meet him at the shop. I got out my house and walked to the shop where he was at. As I reached the shop and went in, I saw him at the self serve coffee table.

"Hey you came"

"Yeah, so why did we need to come here?"

"It's cause I need to ask you something"

"What is it?" I asked curiously

"Well Lucy seems a little upset about something. Its always like she's thinking about whatever it is. And when I try to ask her, she kinda shrugs it off like its nothing. So I wanna know if you know anything about it."

"Well" I started trying to think if I could find anything to say. "She hasn't said anything to me so I don't really know anything about it. But now that I think about it, she has seemed a little worried." I said

"Do you think its because of....Natsu?" I asked worryingly. I don't want her to be worried about him.

"Yeah, probably" he nodded

"Well things are-" I was cut off by the sound of a ringing phone.

"Sorry Erza I gotta take this"

(Gray's POV)

I looked at the caller ID it was Lucy.

I slide my finger on the answer button.


"Hi Gray I need you come quick"

"What happened?"

"I'm locked our of my house and its raining could I stay at yours if its not any trouble?"

Raining? Wow I was talking and didn't realize it was.

"Ok I'm coming"

"Alright bye"

And then she hung up.

"Sorry Erza but I gotta go. I'll see you later"


"Bye and let's not tell anyone about this ok?"


Then I walked out of the store and stated running towards her house. When I got to her house, I saw her outside soaking. Then there was some lighting.

"Ah!" I heard her yell frightened. I ran up to her.

"Lucy you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine I'm just a little frightened of lightning and I'm sorry I called you, you got all soaked"

"Its fine let's just get to my house" I said

"Alright well thank you" she said and gave me a kiss on the cheek

"The pleasure is mine princess" I said and kissed her back. But as I pulled back she looked at me with these pretty brown eyes. I went down to kiss her and she returned it. We were both in sync and let the moment take control.

Her lips are soft and full of love.

We pulled away for some air. I rested my forehead against hers.

"Have a I told you that you look pretty in rain?"

"Ha no but thanks and I thought that I looked ugly right now being soaked and stuff." I put my hand around her waist and she out her arms around my neck.

"You never look ugly" I said as I went to kiss her. Her lips against mine the kisses were passionate. Her hands moved around my neck and head. This time the kissing was getting a bit more fierce but gentle at the same time.

It started raining a little harder and I was still kissing my princess. But it was getting colder and I didn't want her to get sick. I kissed her again and took her hand and started walking.

"Where are we going?" She asked with some of her wet hair in her face. I gently moved some strands.

"To my house, your gonna get sick out here"

"Oh okay"

We starred running and we reached my house. The door was open. Someone probably just left. We came in and I closed the door.

"You can put your stuff down"

"Okay and thanks again" she said

"Like I said, the pleasure is mine"

"Ya know, it was really nice of you to get soaked for me"

"Yeah, but just know that anything I do isn't because I'm your boyfriend but its because I do want to and I really like you" I said and smiled

She smiled really wide and nodded her head.

"Yeah, that's what I love about you" she came up to me and hugged me.

"Today is my lucky day" she whispered

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I thought I was unlucky for getting locked out but it turns out getting locked out meant I got to kiss you"

"So your lucky because we were kissing....?

"No I don't mean it like that. It's like- I meant- no I mean-"

I smiled. She's so cute. I kissed her and she stopped talking.

"Its alright, I know what you mean ya talk a lot blondie"

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No of course not, I love hearing everything you have to say especially with that angelic voice of yours" she smiled at me and I smiled back.

Maybe I was lucky too.
Chapter end. I hope you liked this chapter there was some graylu. Also I just wanna say that I'm writing a new book with all of the fairytail characters and its just about them meeting the modern world. I'll start soon around this week so if it sounds interesting I'll hope you check it out. Bye ^-^

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