Different Problems

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(Lucy's POV)

(Time skip- Monday)


Once again my alarm rang. Again I thought. I hate waking up to the sound of it but I can't wake up on my own. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I took off my pajamas, turned off the water, and went in.

Today has been a really chaotic week. But I'm grateful for all of the delightful things that I got from my mishaps. First, I got cheated on but I now have Gray. Next, my uncle was in a coma but awakened. I'm just glad that things worked out I hope they'll stay that way.

After I was done being lost in my thoughts I turned off the shower water and got out. I went to my room to put on my clothes. After, I went downstairs to get breakfast.

(Gray's POV)

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I got up and walked to the bathroom. But when I got there, the door was closed and I heard music and loud horrible singing coming from inside.

"DANCING IN THE MIRROR, SINGING IN THE SHOWER." I heard from the bathroom. What the hell is that, a mouse? She needs vocal lessons. I laughed at my joke. "GET OUT ULTEAR!" I yelled. I should have woke up first. "OK IN 2 MINUTES WAIT GRAY!" she yelled back.
I walked back to my room. There really was nothing else to do but wait. I decided to pick out my clothes while I was waiting.

(2 min later)

I heard the water stop and minutes later the door open. I walked up to the bathroom. "I'm done you need to use it right?" Ultear asked me. "Yes, finally" I said and walked passed her.

(After Gray's shower)

I walked to my kitchen. "Morning" my stepmom Ur said. "Morning" I said back.
"Where's dad?" I asked. "He had to leave for work early today Gray."she said. "Oh ok" I said and poured some cereal into a bowl with some milk. I got a spoon and started eating.

I felt kind of uncomfortable without my dad here. Even though I've gotten use to them, my dad is usually here and he starts the conversations. The thing is I don't hate my stepmom or stepsister in fact I've learned to have them as part of the family. But it's not the same as when I was with my mom.

"Are you done?" Ur asked me. I was lost in thought but heard her. "Oh uh yeah" I said. She took my bowl and put it in the sink. I went to the closet to get my backpack.

"Ultear!" I yelled.

"Yes Gray?!" She asked yelling.

"I'm leaving for school you wanna come with me!?" I asked

"Sure I'm coming give me a sec!" after she said that, she came running down the stairs with her bag.

"Alright let's get going" I said

"Bye Gray, Ultear." Ur called from behind

"Bye Mom" Ultear said

"Bye Ur" I said and we headed off.

We were walking and we were almost to school. But then Ultear spoke up.

"When your dad is around, sometimes you call Ur mom but usually step mom. But when he's not here, you call her Ur, why?" she asked. I chose to ignore her. She was right but I really didn't want to explain.

"Well.." she said impatiently

"I don't know" I lied and walked little faster.

"Just tell-" she was cut off by an angry me

"None of your damn business Ultear, you got that?!" I yelled and the school was in sight. I stormed off and went inside inside. Ultear just walked off looking annoyed.

"Hi gray" a cheerful Erza smiled.

"Hey" I said and walked away. I was still a little annoyed and angry.

"Hey Gray" I turn around and see Lucy. The only good thing in sight today.

"Hi beautiful" I said and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

"Your to nice" she smiled and blushed.

"I need to get something from my locker" she said "wanna come? She asked.

"Sure" I answered and she took my hand.

We looked at each other and smiled.

"Omg Lucy, you and Gray u look so kawii!" Lucy and I both turned around and saw Erza.

"As for you Gray, you said hi but walked off." She said in a sort if annoyed way.

"Hehe, sorry about that." I said

"No problem anyways, mind telling me when the two of you happened?"

(Lucy's POV)

"I'll explain later Erza" I said

"Ok" she smiled and turned around to get my book.

"You finally got Lucy took you long enough." Erza smirked

"I see you haven't got Jellal when will you ever" Gray smirked

"Shut up" Erza puffed. I laughed at their childish ways.

As I got my book, I saw people looking at me and whispering.

"Did I do something?" I whispered to Gray and Erza.

"What do you mean?" Gray spoke up.

"Well people are staring and whispering so I'm just wondering what I did wrong." I explained.

"You did nothing wrong." I heard a voice say. The person walked up closer. He's a male maybe around Natsu's height or a little taller with blue hair and a tattoo on his right eye.

"What's up Jellal" I heard Gray say

"Nothing much" Gray answers back

"H-hi Jellal" a blushing Erza said

"O-Oh hi Er-Erza." Jellal answered nervously.

Is this who Erza likes? He also seems to like her. "So what happened?" I asked. "Its a long story Lucy you ready?" Jellal asks.

"Yeah" I said.

I hope nothing's seriously wrong.

Hope you liked the chapter. I didn't update for a little bit because I was sick and felt really lousy. So tune in for the next chapter. Follow, vote, and comment bye^-^

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