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*Lucy's POV*

Gray came over to talk so I decided to apologize but he also said he needed to tell me something.

So I listened to him but what I heard was....

I didn't say anything I just looked at him. But finally had enough courage to say something.

"S-so you li-like her?" I was really nervous but they did deserve each other.

He didn't say anything back but just hugged me.

"I'm sorry Lucy I'm really sorry I messed up" I was happy with the words but I didn't smile, I couldn't.

Which means he does like her.

I wanted to accept the apology and forget everything, but I don't think I could be that way.

Well at least I don't think I wanted it that way.

"Gray m-maybe we should break up"

He just looked at me and sighed.

"No Lucy I really am sorry I can't"

Why won't he listen?

"I think it would better if you had time to think about your choices rather then to keep apologizing every time you do something"

"But I mean it"

"Gray please go home" I said with a year trickling down my cheek.

"I'm really sorry I love you" he said trying to reach for my hand, but I yanked it away.

"L-lucy" he said in a whisper

I walked back inside my house and ran upstairs into my room. I closed the door and locked it, and lied down on my bed.

You shouldn't be crying you saw this coming.

I tried not to cry they were perfect for each other and I'm glad.

Keep telling yourself that.

I sat up and looked at the wall,

Maybe it was for the best.

I sighed and walked to the bathroom to rinse my face. As I was getting the towel, I looked at myself in the mirror.

She's so much prettier than me.

After that, I couldn't help but breakdown in tears.

*Gray's POV*

She closed the door and ran upstairs.

What did I do?

I didn't want to go home so I walked to a nearby park and sat on the bench.

I sighed and looked around.

"I hate myself" I said aloud

"Why?" A familiar voice said. I turned around to see Loke.

"Lucy broke up with me cause I kissed Juvia again"

"Oh" he said and sat down.

"Yup" I said and sighed. He looked at me.

"What?" I asked confused as to why he was staring at me like that.

"I know your upset and all but you do realize this is all of your fault"

"Gee thanks" I frowned "that helps a lot"

"I just have one question though?"


"Why did you kiss Juvia? I mean you knew you were already slowly losing Lucy and even asked for help. So why did you do it?"

"Because I'm stupid, and your right it is my fault"

I sighed and he looked at me.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that your already upset. It's just that you already realized so I'm just curious as to why"

"I can't even answer that myself. I mean..." I sat down and stared at the sky.

"If you don't know it's okay" he said

I looked at him but didn't say anything. I then returned my gaze back to the sky.

"I like Juvia but I love Lucy" I started "but for some reason, it's hard to choose who I want"

I looked down at the ground

"But I've made a choice. Not one that I'm proud of but I've made it and.." I looked at him

"I-i think I choose Juvia"

He just stared at me.

"Whoa, wasn't expecting that. I would've hoped you chose Lucy but at least you've made a choice"

"Do you think I've made the wrong one though?"

"Well I can say I wasn't expecting that. You and Lucy were a really nice couple but I'd support you whichever"

"Thanks" I smiled

"So are you gonna talk to her about it?"

"Yeah, but not now. She's probably really mad and I wanna wait a little"

"Yeah probably a good idea"

For the next five minutes, we sat in silence.

"Thanks Loke" I said

"No problem" he said getting up "I'm gonna go but if you need anything just call or text"

"Alright" I said "see you later"

"Later" he responded and walked away

I need to talk to Juvia.

As I was leaving the park, I saw Juvia near the entrance.

Well that was easy.

I walked towards her.

"Hi Juvia" I said

"Hi Gray" she said smiling big

"So I wanna talk to you" I said

"Okay about what?"

"Well us"

She looked at me and I decided to keep talking.

"Well I meant it when I kissed you and I want to know if you'd go out with me"

She started to smile again.

"Juvia would love to go out with you Gray"

I smiled and held her hand

"I'm glad"

But she had a worried look on her face.

"What about Lucy?"

"Lucy? Well we're not on good terms and she broke up with me"

"Juvia is really sorry to hear that Gray"

I smiled "thanks and its ok"

"So I'll see you tomorrow" I said

"Okay" she smiled "bye"

"Bye" I gave her a kiss on the cheek and and headed home.

I should be happy but, why aren't I?
Well Gray you've done it again. But anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter byeee ^-^

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