Is He Really The One

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(Lucy's POV)

As I sat there someone kept coming closer to me. Maybe moving here was a mistake.

"Lucy please come here." the person said. The room was lit with little light so I had trouble making out who it was.

"Go away" I shooed. I didn't feel like talking to anyone.

"You mean you don't wanna talk to your best friend Gray?"

"Gr-Gray?" I asked.

"Yes Lucy it's me." I was now able to tell since I stopped crying but still had watery eyes.

"I thought you were waiting in the halls."

He got closer and embraced me. I returned the hug back. Somehow hugging him made me feel warm inside. But I also felt the need to cry more.

"You don't have to keep your feelings inside Lucy. Don't pretend like anything happened. You can let your emotions out and cry."

As soon as he said that, he didn't need to say anymore. I spilled out my emotions.

"I'll be here as long as you want me to, even if it's forever. I want you to know that there are other boys better than Natsu." he said.

"Yo-you mean yo-you k-know?" I stuttered as a result of crying.

"Yes, I saw what that jerk did to you and I won't forgive him. He had no right to hurt you like that. That's why I'll be here if you want."

After what he said, it made me feel much better. I felt like there is someone who understands me.

"Th-thank you Gray, your words helped me." I smiled.

He pulled away from the hug.

"I got somewhere I wanna take you. Are you up for it?"

"I'm up for any adventure" I smiled.

"Ok well let's go.

(Gray 's POV)

I wanted to tell her. She deserved to know. I wanted to make her happy.

I looked at her, "do you trust me?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I?"

"Ok then get on my back."

I knelt down so she would be able to get on my back.

"So where are we going?"

"You'll see soon enough."

I stated walking. I walked our of the classroom and out of the school. Soon enough, we were off of school grounds. I then started running.

"You ok?" I turned my head.

"I said that I trust you, didn't I?"

"Alright then"

I continued running till we got to the destination.

"Ok now close your eyes" I said.

"Ok" she said.

I knelt down again and she came off my back. I took her wrist and we came to a stop.

"You can open your eyes now."

She opened them and looked stunned.

"Gray this is- its-" she was speechless.

"Its so beautiful that I'm speechless." she said

I took her to a garden where the tress were fully blossemed and petals were on the ground.

"I come here a lot. In the morning, the sunrise looks beautiful against the trees. In the afternoon, the pedals blow around and it looks beautiful. And at night, the moon looks perfect in the sky. And on the lake over there." I said and pointed.

"Thank you so much Gray"

"Anytime" I said.

Its time.

"You wanna sit under the tree?"

"Sure" she said.

We walked over to the blossom tree.

"So um I came here to tell you something."

"Alright, I'm all ears." she smiled

What a beautiful smile.

"Well first I just wanna say, when I first met you, I thought you were this really awesome girl. You are pretty and probably have 100 talents. Next I wanna say that you don't deserve this at all. The jerk didn't know what he was doing and he was blind. I've dated a girl named Juvia a while ago but she cheated on me with my best friend Lyon. Both of them don't go to the school anymore. I didn't really have anyone. But I want you to know that you no longer need that freak because you have me. I really really love you Lucy and I want you to go out with me." I said

"Gray, I want you to know that since the beginning I had feelings for you to. And they've gotten even stronger. I like being with you and I know that you would never leave me. I would love to go out with you. Also, I really love you too." She smiled.

(Normal POV)

"You mean your really serious?"gray asked

"Of course I am." Lucy giggled

"I have something for you" Gray said

"You didn't have to get me anything." Lucy said.

"Yeah I did, here you go."

Gray gave Lucy a key pendant.

"Its beautiful." she exclaimed

"Your the key to my heart, without you, it's locked up." he said

"Oh Gray" Lucy then hugged Gray. Gray hugged back.

They stoped hugging. Gray then leaned in to kiss Lucy and she returned it.

They put their foreheads together.

"Promise me you'll always be mine" Gray said.

"Promise me that you'll never leave me. Lucy said.

"I promise" the said in unison

"You wanna take a walk with me?" Gray asked getting up and putting out his hand.

"Sure" Lucy said taking his hand.

Lucy and Gray walked through the garden holding hands.

But what they didn't know was that they were thinking the same thing.

I'll never let you go and that's a promise. This is only the beginning of our adventure.

Yay some Graylu. THIS IS NOT THE END I REPEAT THIS IS NOT THE END. There will be more chappies and many surprises. Follow, comment, and vote. Tune in for the next chapter ^-^

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