A 'bitter' reveal

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The others heard Bitters cries and came to see what was causing it. What they saw was actually quite heart-warming. Pitaya was sat on Bitter Berries lap and was comforting her. They noticed Miracle sprinting towards his love and got off Bitters lap.

Miracle- what happened?! Bitter why were you crying so loud, you made me so worried!

The three adventurers were just stood their staring at pitaya. Cacao was glad they helped Bitter, Vanilla felt bad for Bitter, and Holly felt really guilty for what she had said earlier. She wasn't thinking straight, she only wanted to defend her friend! Pitaya walked over to their friends and told them what happened, leaving out Bitter's story because they knew it wasn't their right to share it. Miracle just sat down next to his lover.

Miracle- Bee... I'm so sorry I disregarded your feelings.

Bitter- Mira it's ok! I'm fine with Pitaya now and I get why you were angry. They are just a kid and I had failed to realise that.

The couple started to cry so Miracle hugged Bitter, and she hugged back. Holly was very curious about how Pitaya managed to stop her mother's hatred towards dragon's. Luckily, she didn't have to ask the question as a curious Vanilla also had a similar question in mind:

Vanilla- Sorry if I'm ruining the moment but I'm just curious about why Bitter hated dragons?

Bitter- I'm not going to say the full story again, but the basic premise is that my parents were killed by a dragon when I was 13-14 and I had to begin ruling this kingdom. I lost all my friends because I had to adopt this personality, I have never been able to fully grieve over my parents and I... I was just scared another dragon would take away the little I have left.

After hearing this, Holly ran to her mother, tears rolling down her cheeks, and joined the hug. Finally, the Berry family was happy. 

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