The aftermath

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A day has passed, Cacao and Lychee stayed in the infirmary overnight to assure their injuries were corrected. Cacao's arm is heavily bandaged, and Lychee's head is bandaged with cool gauze to help their wounded head. Cacao is worried about his father's reaction to his now broken arm, as he has very tough and crucial training coming up soon to and his father is no patient man. The other questers came to bring Lychee and Cacao home to Holly berries family castle:

Vanilla- Hello Cacao, Lychee...

Lychee- Hey guys! Sorry about the early exit from the rescue

Cheese- You nutter, you don't need to apologise for such things

The group are mostly focusing on the talkative Lychee, whilst Cacao is sat quietly listening to his own thoughts and nothing else. However, as the others left with Lychee and got them home and comfortable, Pitaya sat down with Cacao and wrapped one of their wings around him:

Pitaya- Whatsss the matter, lord of darknesss?

Cacao- Why do you care, Pitaya?

Pitaya- We may not alwaysss get along, but you're ssstill my friend

Cacao- It's family and royalty stuff...

Pitaya- ah... I can't really relate to the royal stuff... but my past family weren't the nicest...

Cacao goes silent.

Cacao- If... If my dad finds out my arms broken before I start my crucial training to gain the throne... he's going to be furious...

Pitaya- What if you talk about this to holly's parents?

Cacao- ...Ok

Pitaya pats Cacao's back and brings him to the Holly berry family castle. The others welcome them with open arms and go back to their usual chaotic antics after Cacao discussed with Bitter and Mircale about what to do about his father.

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