New Friends?

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3 curious adventures, Hollyberry, Pure Vanilla, and Dark Cacao were exploring the forest as usual.

Holly- IM THE QUEEN OF THE WORLD! she screamed as she climbed to the top of a Choco roll tree.

Vanilla- Holly please don't fall! I'm still not the best at healing yet!

Cacao silently stood there until he pointed out a nearby cave. The questers wandered into the cave, finding something quite unexpected. A small cookie fast asleep. The cookie was shivering in their sleep.

Cacao- Why do they have a tail? And wings?

Vanilla- I don't know but they have lots of bruise's and they're shaking a lot... poor thing!

Holly cautiously walked towards the unknown creature and slowly shook their arm to wake them up.

Holly- Hello? Are you alright?

Pitaya slowly started to wake up. They were really cold, and their body hurt a lot. Taya got spooked by the 3 cookies and ran to the nearest corner.

Holly- Hey! We're not here to hurt you, we just want to help.


Cacao (to Vanilla)- They must not have a good relationship with cookies.

Vanilla slowly walked towards the frightened dragon. He knelt down next to them and softly spoke:

Vanilla- If we were going to hurt you, we would have done it by know. By the way, I'm Pure Vanilla, the loud, pink hair girl is Hollyberry, and the emo is Dark Cacao-

Holly & Cacao- OI!

Pitaya and Vanilla lightly chuckled before continuing:

Vanilla- We only wish to help you, my friend.

Pitaya- ...Friend?...

Holly- Yeah!! Were your friends now if you want to or not! Hehe.

Tears filled Pitaya's eyes as they began to silently sob. Holly pulled Taya into a hug and was soon joined by Vanilla and, surprisingly, Cacao. They all stayed like that for a while until Cacao broke the ice.

Cacao- Vanilla, why don't you heal them and then we can go back to Holly's place.

Vanilla- Of course! I'll heal... I'm so sorry! I forgot to ask your name...

Pitaya- It'ss Pitaya but you can call me Taya if you want. Alsso, please ignore my lissp, no matter how hard I try I can't sstop.

Cacao- Nice to meet you... and don't worry about your lisp, it isn't that big of a deal.

Taya was very happy they wouldn't be judged by their new friends, the people back "home" always taunted them for it. With their new friends, they felt safe, warm even. Especially around Holly. Her smile was so... bright and she was always so optimistic, even when the group got lost!

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