Operation Crisis Averted

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Holly shielded Vanilla as they rushed over to assist Lychee. Cheese dashed away and alerts Bitter and Miracle. Pitaya helped Cacao and his siblings attempt to tire lily out but their plan wasn't really going as they hoped. Lily was becoming frantic, and her desperation made her powers stronger and stronger, making her a lot harder to tire out:

Pitaya- LILY! You need to calm down!!

Lily- I CAN'T!!!

Cacao ended up getting hit with a blast, cracking the bones in his arm.

Cacao- AGH!!


Lotus and Ananas shielded Cacao as he weakly made his way behind Hollys shield. Pitaya slowly approached Lily to see if there was anything they could do to help her. They went behind her, held onto her staff and helped her hold it still as she began to calm down... She wouldn't stop crying after finally regaining control, so Pitaya just quietly hugged her, letting her know that they were there for her:

Miracle- KIDS!! ARE YOU OK?!

Lotus- *sarcastically* Just fine and dandy thanks!

Bitter- Oh, I already like the new kid!

Miracle- Now is no time for sarcasm, who needs help?

Vanilla- Lychee and Cacao are hurt and Lily is kind of having a break down.

Miracle- *thoughts* "Poor kids..."

Bitter picked up Lychee and carried them on her back as Miracle helped Cacao to the infirmary. Lotus sat down with Lily and Pitaya, taking Lily from Pitaya's gentle grasp:

Lotus- Your safe now Lil... I've got you...

A faint blush appeared on Lily's face as she rested her head on Lotus's chest. Ananas and Pitaya have never seen Lotus so protective of someone before in the short time they've spent with one another. Almost like... LOTUS HAS A CRUSH ON LILY?! Pitaya walks over to the other 4 and joins their conversation to let Lotus and Lily have some time together:

Lily- I-I'm so sorry... *sniff* I-I-

Lotus- Silence. You have no need to apologise Lily, You are not in the wrong for lose control of your advanced magic abilities.

Lotus softly smiles as they stand up, carrying Lily in their arms. The remaining questers headed back to the Berry castle and went to bed. 

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