A family reunion- Lotus & Lychee

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On a regular day, the Adventures are out collecting data for a school project they must complete. Pitaya is being their usual chaotic self while the others are collecting the data on native wildlife:

Cacao- Pitaya, can you be useful and actually help us?!

Pitaya- I have been useful!! I've been finding all the animals from above with Ananas, haven't I Mr Wise guy~?

Cacao- . . .

Pitaya- That's what I thou-

Cheese hits pitaya in the back of the head

Cheese- BE! NICE! You're upsetting the other with your pointless arguing!

Pi & DC- sorry...

Other- it fine

The questers continue exploring the forest when... they find a cookie face down in the river!!

Holly runs over to them and drag them out of the water while the others gather around the drowned cookie.

Lily- Are they breathing?!

Vanilla- CHEESE! MOVE!

Cheese moves out of the way so Vanilla can get a closer look.

Vanilla- They're...

Ananas- They're what..?

Vanilla- They're just asleep

Cacao- How?! They should be dead! Not saying I want them to be, but this just doesn't add up..!

They slowly start waking up

Lotus- *yawns*. . . ! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!

The questers back away from Lotus

Pitaya- We could be asking you the same thing!

Lotus- Well, I asked first, Knucklehead!

Cheese- OI! Only WE can call Taya knucklehead!!

Lotus- And when did I ask? Bird brain

Holly- That's enough guys, I'll just introduce myself and we can go from there. I'm Hollyberry!

Pitaya- I'm Pitaya, but most just call me Taya

Vanilla- I'm Pure vanilla, it's a pleasure meeting you

Lily- I-I'm white l-lily...

Ananas- I'm Ananas...

Cheese- Names Golden cheese

Cacao- Dark Cacao...

Lotus is blankly staring at Pitaya and Ananas.

Pitaya- hello~?

Lotus- guys... it's me! Lotus!

Pi & An- ?! LOTUS!!

The three dragons hug each other, happy to be together again.

After a mini reunion, the questers decided to head home.

As they were walking, Lily walks over a trip wire and the 8 get caught in a net.

???- *Laughing their ass off*

HAHAHA! You should see your faces!! This is PRICELESS!!

Cacao unsheathes his sword and cuts them free. The questers all attack ???.

Lychee- AGHHH! OW! That's no fair!!

Ananas- Well, don't trap us in a net then!!

Lychee- whatever, Ananas~

Ananas- ?!

Lotus- They were listening to our conversation, who might you be?

Lychee- You didn't even recognise your own Sibling? Wow~

Lotus- Nice to see you too, Lychee

The Dragons have another hugging session when... disaster strikes...

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