The beginning

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Long ago, 4 dragons hatched from their special eggs. Although they look very different from one another, they were indeed siblings. The first one had, fluffy white hair with black specks inside. The next one had, spikey yellow hair with green accents. The third one had, straight blue hair with a lotus flower on the top of their head. The final one had, short white hair with a large purple hat . Unfortunately, the hatchlings wouldn't spend much time together as they were separated by a mysterious entity. Even thousands of years in the future, all the dragons would remember this traumatic day like if it had happened yesterday. The dragons hid their true identities from others by masquerading as cookies. However, as they grew, their tails and wings became harder to hide, revealing who they truly were.

Pitaya ended up in a small village and was adopted by a family. Life was great... for about a month. The family discovered that Pitaya was a dragon, due to them losing the ability to hide their reptilian features and forced them to leave. "A FREAK LIKE YOU DOESN'T DESERVE A LOVING HOME!" screamed their "father" as Pitaya ran out the door. They had no where to go but found an empty box, so they made that their new home.

For the next few years, Pitaya had to deal with villagers cussing them out and throwing things at them. They had to steal all their food from nearby venders (which is the reason they hadn't left the village). One day, a drunk villager attacked them. The only option Taya had was to turn into a dragon, it was risky but there was nothing else they could do. So, they did... and it ended horribly. What others saw was a rabid beast looming over an innocent villager. The enraged towns people chased poor Pitaya out of the village. They didn't have too many injures but they weren't necessarily ok. After searching for hours, they found a small cave. It was... perfect! Cold, yes but it was spacious, and it had a friendly aura. Pitaya was quite tired from running, so they fell asleep.

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