A family reunion- Ananas

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A few months had passed, Pitaya began living with the Berry family. Bitter was accepted by her kingdom and started to change drastically. She could still be blunt, rude, and overprotective, but it was still progress from who she was before. She smiled more, stopped hiding her feelings and spent more time with her family instead of locking herself away. Holly was very happy that she now had a stronger relationship with her mother, they may have disagreements, but they don't turn into full blown arguments. They both just agree to disagree.

Also, Pitaya started school and was doing... decent, especially for someone who had never been to school before. The others helped them study, but they inevitably struggled with things like grammar and math. The things they did enjoy was PE and surprisingly Drama! They're really overdramatic so it should have been expected.

Today, Vanilla and Cacao were coming to the Berry kingdom to explore the forest and train like normal. Vanilla arrived first; the vanilla kingdom was right next door, so it made sense he'd turned up first. Cacao arrived an hour later due to the cacao kingdoms climate being horrible to travel through. Holly said goodbye to her parents, and they went to the forest. They were also joined by the last two future ancients, Golden Cheese, and White Lily.

Cheese and Pitaya got along surprisingly well! However, Lily was slightly intimidated by Pitaya. Vanilla helped them get along.

At this stage, the future ancients all have their main weapons (Holly's shield, Cacao's sword etc). All their parents decided it was time for them to inherit their weapons. They aren't fully used to them but the five are getting better as time goes on. Pitaya, however, doesn't have their usual sword. They only have their dragon form and their fists.

In the woods, the 6 started off by practice fighting. Well, Vanilla and Lily weren't participating. Vanilla was only going to heal their wounds after the fight (this was how he practiced healing). Lily decided to finish some homework. The first to fight were Holly and Cacao. After that would have been Cheese and Pitaya but... They were interrupted by a distant cry for help!


The questers ran to find the distressed cookie. What they saw was a... dragon? They were corned against a tree as rabid cake hounds etched closer and closer.

The friends had no time to question the fact there was another dragon, so they sprang into action. Lily was able to demonstrate her newly found skills in magic. She cast a spell and boom! Half of the hounds were already defeated. Holly, Cacao, and Cheese took care if the rest while Vanilla, Pitaya, and Lily ran to aid the dragon. At this point, they had turned into their cookie form to conserve energy. The unknown cookie had bite marks and scratches from head to toe, ripped clothes and a missing tooth. It took Pitaya a few seconds before recognising this new friend.

Pitaya- Ananass?

The injured dragon was extremely weary and cautious. They had no trust in anything or anyone. *How the hell does that cookie know my name? * They thought. Until it clicked.

Ananas- PITAYA?!

The serpent siblings started to hug as they happily laughed with each other.

Ananas- *sniff* It's really you!! I thought I'd never see you again!

Pitaya- ssame here. Bro... you're getting blood all over me.

Vanilla- Let me heal them!

Ananas slowly backed away, but Pitaya reassured them. V knelt down and healed Ananases wounds. Since he isn't the best healer yet, all their cuts weren't fully healed but it was good enough!

The other three had finished fending off the beasts and returned to their friends.

Cheese- How bout we head back to Holly's place and chill there? The newbie can get a change of clothes and some bandages for their left-over injuries.

Ananas- My name is Ananas, NOT newbie!

Pitaya- Cheesse is only messing with you bro! don't take it too perssonally.

The group went back to the castle, joking and laughing all the way back. Ananas clung to Taya, they just felt like an outcast because they knew nobody there. It was quite overwhelming. Everything was so new and frightening. Pitaya could sense Ananases discomfort so they sparked up a conversation that they could get involved in.

Pitaya- Do you think well find the otherss?

Ananas- What do you mean?

Pitaya- Do you think well find Lotuss and Lychee?

The cookies all paused after hearing this.

Holly- You have more siblings!

Ananas- Yes... we do but we were all separated. We have no idea where they could be on earth bread. They could be dead for all we know!!

Lily- Hey don't think like that! Their probably alive and miss you as much as you miss them.

Ananas hesitated

Ananas- Your probably right... let's just keep going.

The rest of the journey was silent. Nobody really knew how to process this information, so they just kept quiet.

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