New addition

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They made it to the castle and Ananas was mesmerised!

Cacao- At least now we can tell your definitely siblings.

They all chuckled minus Lily and Cheese who didn't get the reference.

When they got inside, they were greeted by both Miracle and Bitter berry. Ananas was still so distracted by how big the castle was which made Pitaya laugh.

Bitter- Hello all! Who's that with Taya?

Pitaya nudged Nanas to get their attention, but they were still zoned out.

Vanilla- That's Ananas, one of Pitaya's siblings. We found them in the forest being attacked by some cake hounds, so we assisted them and brought them here. Miracle crouched down to talk to Ananas and was just reminded of Pitaya when they first showed up.

Miracle- Hello Ananas! I'm Miracle, I've been taking care of Pitaya and I wouldn't mind taking care of you as well.

Ananas gave a soft smile before hugging Miracle.

Cacao- Their very clingy, aren't they?

Bitter- What do you expect? From what I've observed they seem to have been alone for quite some time, so I guess were the first people they've seen in a while.

After their introduction to one another Miracle patched up Nanas, gave them new clothes and a snack because it was almost time for dinner. Bitter took the rest of the children too the living room to watch tv. She put on a cartoon and left to check on Miracle. She walked in on Ananas happily snacking on some fruit while Miracle was sat next to them.

Bitter- How are they doing?

Miracle- Their alright! They did have a mini breakdown when you all left but I gave them a snack and they seem to be doing better.

Bitter- I'll go and get a room set up for them.

Ananas- Can I share with Taya?! We have lots of lost time to catch up on.

Miracle- I don't see why not.

Pitaya was fine with Ananas sharing with them, the room did fell quite big for them so having another person in the room helped with that feeling. The siblings requested two more beds in the room just in case they found their other siblings.

They all had dinner together like one big, happy family. Pitaya, Ananas, Cacao and Lily silently ate their food while the others talked the entire time, led by Cheese. 

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