Lily's Crisis

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White lily's staff began to emit a large amount of light, blinding everyone in its vicinity. She let out a agonising scream as a rush of magic flowed through her body. Suddenly, blasts of wild magic came from her staff towards the adventurers:

Lychee- WATCH OUT!!

They jumped in the way instinctually, being smashed into a tree, yelping as they make impact. No one knew what to do! Wild, dangerous and powerful blasts were flying everywhere and one member was already hurt and down for the count. Holly was the first to move, covering the team with her shield as she ordered everyone around like the true leader she is:

Holly- Vanilla, you go and help Lychee! Cheese, go and alert mine and lily's parents! Cacao, try and tire lily out and see if that help weaken her magic! And the remaining dragons, help cacao as I cover Vanilla!

Everyone nodded and ran to their positions to begin "operation crisis averted"! 

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