Pitaya's opinions/ratings of all the people they know

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A small break from the story!

this is written in the perspective of pitaya:

Holly- 100/10. My besst friend! Sshe's the life of the party and iss very pretty. Whenever I'm with her, I get a fuzzy feeling in my chesst. I have no idea what it iss but I'm too afraid to tell anyone about it becausse I don't want to be sseen as weird.
Vanilla- 7/10. He's alright. He can be quite awkward which is hiss only down fall. He's really good at healing! (even if he thinks he's not). Vanilla can be really funny and relatable as well. Hiss laugh is very ssweet!

Cacao- 6/10. He's nice to talk to but he can be bit of a ssmart ass! Hiss ssarcassm can be quite annoying but I've gotten ussed to it. He hass a VERY dark ssensse of humour and he's corrupted me into thinking sscrewed up thingss are funny, pleasse help!

Cheese- 9/10. FUNNY. AS. HELL!!! Sshe iss really fun to talk to but sshe can't really take anything sserioussly and sshe talks NON-SSTOP. Sshe makess up very interessting sstoriess and sshe's ALWAYS down for a race which iss great!

Lily- 4/10? I don't know much about her becausse sshe's very quiet and when we firsst met, sshe was afraid of me, sso we didn't really sstart off well. Vanilla has helped uss get better, but we sstill don't talk very much. I'd like to get to know her, but I really have no idea what to talk about with her. Vanilla told me sshe's very good with sschool work sso if I ever need help I sshould assk her.

Miracle- Infinity/10. He's the besst father figure I've ever had!! He treatss me like I'm hiss actual child which iss very reassuring. He makess the BESST food! And whenever I'm ssad, he's alwayss the firsst to comfort me no matter what he's doing. Ssay itss gardening or paperwork he alwayss prioritisses me, Holly and the otherss.

Bitter- 10/10. We had a rocky sstart but now I love her like my own mother. Sshe doess sstill sstruggle with her PTSD about her parentss but sshe doessn't blame me or my kind about what happened. Sshe's much happier and ssmiless a lot more. However, sshe sstill lockss hersself away whenever sshe's upsset and sshe sstill overworkss hersself.

Ananas, Lotus & Lychee- 5/10. I don't remember much about them so I can't properly rank them, but I do love them a lot!! They are my ssiblingss afterall. 

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