Holly's Parents

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The 3 decided to invite their new acquaintance to their sleepover. The only problem they would have to face was... Holly's Mother, Bitter berry.

 As her name suggests, she isn't the nicest of individuals. Deep down she does love her daughter and she only want's the best for her but she's very controlling and against dragons due to events in her past. However, Holly's father, Miracle Berry, is the complete opposite of Bitter. He's kind and caring. What Bitter lacks in empathy, Miracle makes up for. Lots of people don't understand how Miracle can love someone like Bitter, but he sees both sides of the story. Also, he's not afraid to speak his mind so if he doesn't agree with Bitter, he will tell her. Bitter wants to be better but... she can't no matter how hard she tries. Its not that she doesn't try, its just her "better" isn't good enough for her kingdom. So, she gave up. 

Bitter and Holly have a very strained relationship due to Bitter berries personality. Miracle and Holly are very close and whenever Holly needs royal advice, Miracle Berry is always willing to help.

Holly was worried about her mother's reaction to Pitaya, but she knew that her, Vanilla, Cacao, and her dad could protect them.

Vanilla- Are you guys sure this is a good idea? Couldn't we just go to my family's kingdom?

Cacao- V we don't have time to go to your kingdom, it's almost night-time and both mine and Holly's parents wouldn't necessarily be happy knowing we didn't go to the kingdom we promised we'd be at. You know how protective my father can get.

Holly- Cacao's right Vanilla, we don't have time. Pitaya will be fine. Right Taya?

Pitaya was blindly staring at the castle. They had never seen anything so magnificent. Holly lightly tapped their arm, but nothing could drag Taya's eyes away. Until Cacao smacked the back of their head.

Cacao- Welcome back!

Pitaya cursed under their breath at Cacao's sarcastic remark.

The questers made it to the entrance of the Palace. Miracle Berry was there to greet them.

Miracle- Hello Sweetheart! How was your adventure?

Holly- Great Papa! We made a new friend and wondered if they could join our sleepover?

Miracle- I don't see why not!

Pitaya was hidden behind Cacao, as he was the only person Taya was shorter than before Miracle coaxed them out of hiding.

Vanilla- Theirs only one problem...

Miracle Berry raised an eyebrow at this odd remark

Pitaya- I-I'm a dragon and I've been told the queen doessn't like my kind.

Miracle paused for a second. *Yes, Bitter wasn't comfortable with dragon's but she doesn't hate them, right?*

Miracle- I'm sure it will be fine um... pardon my rudeness but what's your name little one?

Holly- Their name is Pitaya, but we call them Taya for short!

Miracle- what a lovely name!

Miracle led the kids into the room they'd be staying.

It was luxurious!! The walls were a light yellow with a pink pattern on it. There were three beds, but a maid was setting up a fourth one for their new arrival. The 4 were left to do whatever they wanted. Pitaya immediately sprinted over to the bed and jumped on it. It felt like a fluffy cloud considering the fact they never actually had a proper bed, not even at their old "home".

Pitaya- I never knew a bed could be sso ssoft!

After they played a few games, they heard faint yelling coming from outside. Holly immediately recognised the voices.

Holly- I-It's Mother a-and Father!

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