A heartfelt apology

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They all went back into their room and got into bed.

Later at night, Pitaya woke up. The only thing they could think about was the fight. They felt really guilty because the whole argument was about them. Taya knew it wasn't their fault, but they still felt bad. Especially because they could see how much it upset Bitter. At that moment, they had made their mind up! *I'm going to check on the queen! *

The sneaky reptile had made it to the door. Out of nowhere, a monotone voice emerged from the darkness:

Cacao- What are you doing up at this hour?

Pitaya- Uhhhh- I wass going to the b-bathroom-

Cacao- You were going to check on Bitter Berry, weren't you?

They had been caught, how? No idea but they couldn't hide it anymore, so they came clean.

Pitaya- Yeah... I just feel bad for her becausse there iss definitely a deeper reasson to why sshe doessn't like dragonss and I'm going to find it!

Cacao sighed

Cacao- You do you I guess... just be careful.

Taya nodded and continued on their quest. They wandered around the massive castle and eventually found Bitter Berry. She was stood outside on a balcony, wearing a long dressing gown that flowed in the wind. The moonlight illuminated the weeping woman's tears as she silently sobbed her sorrows away. She was singing a depressing song. Pitaya recognised it! It was "Nobody" by Mitski. They had heard some people playing the song back at the village. Her angelic voice sang:

Bitter- "I don't want your pity; I just want somebody near me~. Guess I'm a coward, I just want to feel alright~. And I know no one will save me, I just need someone to kiss~. Give me one good, honest kiss and I'll be alright~."

She continued as Pitaya approached closer and closer to her.

Bitter- "Nobody, nobody, nobody. Nobody, nobody. Ooh~, nobody, nobody, nobody~."

She could sense a presence, so she turned around and low and behold the dragon she was so against being in the castle. They stood in the doorway, so she had nowhere to escape.

Bitter- W-w-what do Y-YOU want?!

Pitaya- I only want to assk you ssomething... Why are you sso sscared of dragonss?

Bitter Berries eyes widened, she suddenly felt so guilty. This kid had to deal with her anger and trauma just because she was too selfish to realise, they were indeed a child and not just a ferocious beast like she knew from experience. She didn't want to tell Pitaya about her past, but it was the only answer to their question. She took a deep breathe, wiped away her tear and began the story.

Bitter- Well... when I was around 13-14, a dragon attacked this very kingdom. It...

She paused to stop herself from crying again.

Bitter- I-It killed my parents. S-so I had to inherit this kingdom much earlier than expected. I-I had no time to grieve over my parents and was thrown right into work. I hadn't even finished s-school yet! I had to adapt this "I hate everyone and everything" mentality or I would have failed to rule the kingdom. Now I-I'm much older, I have n-no friends other than Miracle Berry, who I'm pretty sure HATES me now, my own daughter sees me as a bitch, I STILL haven't fully grieved over my parents and I'm scared that a dragon is going to take the little I have left, away from me!

At this point, Bitter was sobbing on the floor. She felt so pathetic and lonely, like the universe was trying to smite her down. All she had felt and seen was darkness for so many years. Pitaya, still in shock, gave her a hug. She returned it. Pitaya wasn't going to hurt her; she knew that now.  

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