The Statue

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"LUMINE." She heard being yelled through the air.

"LUMINE." She heard again. This time with more anger.

"I'M ALONE !" the man yelled. She quickly got up on her feet and looked at her friend. Paimon nodded as to give her silent approval and Lumine pulled out her sword. She slowly walked away from the statue into the twilight and towards the red-headed fatui.
He stood there, his sword also in hand, he showed no emotion and said nothing. Lumine stood silent, copying her enemy's strategy. For a minute they stood face to face without a word uttered between the two of them. Then, the harbinger spoke.

"What did you hear? " he asked gently.

"Enough to have made up my mind to the likes of you" She lied. He didn't have to know she didn't hear a thing.

"It's not what you think."

"What am I supposed to think? Huh? You show up here with your sword drawn after talking to the man who nearly killed me and you tell me it's not what I think ?"

" I know you killed Signora, and a lot of my comrades but I'm not mad at you. I'm here to warn you to back off from the fatui. Scaramouche is powerful and a deadly foe even for you. And he expects me to bring you back dead or alive, and I'd rather see you alive, to be honest. "

"Why are you telling me this, Childe, do you expect me to go with you or to keep hiding while the fatui grow more powerful each day? To let them corrupt more governments, steal from citizens, and kill innocent people while you come here and tell me to what, run away? I've never ran away from a fight I could win and I won't start today."

"Look, I'm always in the mood for a fight, but this is serious Lumine, stay away from the fatui, or it's going to get messy for both of us."

"Looks like you didn't understand me. I NEVER back away from a fight I can win."
She had enough of the fatui always getting what they wanted. And Childe being a puppet in their grand scheme of things was just another reason for her to be furious. She wasn't going to let him off the hook so easily.

They stared each other down. The heavy emotions could be felt in the air. The angst, anger, sadness, and mysterious desire between the two warriors were palpable.

"You are a very stubborn woman, Lumine."

She waited for him to make the first move. When he did, he jumped and aimed his sword at The traveler, but she quickly dodged and attempted a counterattack towards his side. Childe blocked the attack with ease while Lumine pushed her sword against his. They both looked at each other, both filled with rage and Childe took a swing at her feet. Lumine jumped and attempted an electro-attack but missed her target. She dashed backward while Childe drew an arrow at her head. It scratched her arm quite deeply and quickly the wound started to bleed. Lumine was not bothered and kept the fight going. She took a leap from a rock and power attacked Childe from above, He blocked her attack but not without difficulty and slightly stumbled on his feet. Lumine saw his instability and quickly threw an electro attack to his feet, hitting him and knocking him down. She placed the tip of her sword on his neck.

"Looks like I win again." She announced proudly.

He looked at her with a straight face, and within a second he grabbed her sword by the blade and the next thing she knew, she was on the ground with her own sword to her neck. Childe loomed over her, his hand holding the sword was bloody and a winning grin adorned his face.

" Think again, sweetie." he whispered to her ear.

She felt his hot breath on her neck, his other hand holding her wrist so tightly she thought he would sink it into the ground. Their legs were intertwined and she could hear his heartbeat through his pounding chest and heavy breathing. His chest rose and fell and caressed her breasts each time. Their breathing was almost in sync.

"Do it ." She spat.

"Do what exactly. " he questioned.

"Finish the job they all want from you."

"I told you, I prefer you alive."

He paused as if he were thinking. He then analyzed her body, the cut he made, and the dirt on her chest. He looked into her eyes the same way he did when he first arrived, his ocean eyes into her sunlight eyes. His gaze shifted to her hair and then her neck. He lowered his head and quietly smelled her. Lumine tried to push herself against Childe but he simply put more weight on her wrist and approached his sword closer to her neck. One small breath out of place and he would cut her throat. She froze in place waiting for him to move. He was obviously conflicted in his desires and finally loosened the distance between her neck and the sword.

He quickly got up and dropped her sword on the ground.

"If I wanted to kill you, Lumine, it would have already been done. But seeing how much animosity you have towards me for simply doing my job, I should have never invited you on a date this evening. Looks like our occupations surpass our friendship." He said with grief in his voice.
"I didn't plan for our evening to end up like this." He added.

She sat holding her wound and thought of a response to give back to the man.
She took a deep breath and got up on her feet.

"I hope you remember one day that I was willing to be friends with you even when your minions and colleagues were ready to kill me and I didn't even lift a finger at you. I thought maybe you would have grown tired of the fatui and concentrated on your family and friends, but you will always be this, a liar and a murderer. You're a hypocrite and I hate you. I NEVER want to see you again. " She admitted with a tear in her eyes.

"You know I won't leave the tsaritsa. " His voice seemed curled up and Lumine almost thought she could see tears in his eyes, but he stood straight like the soldier he is, and in seconds not an ounce of emotion could be seen on his face. He restrained himself from any sarcastic remarks. He seemed to realize that he was losing something that he cared for deeply.

Lumine picked up her sword at the man's feet. She studied him one last time before they separated. His perfect nose picked up her scent, and his mouth slightly opened as if a word was burning to be said on his lips. His hidden muscular strength peeped through his thin clothing. He looked perfect as always. Perfectly maddening.

Before turning her back she also added in frustration while pointing to her bleeding arm " You promised you wouldn't hurt me again, proving to me once again you are a scumbag with a pretty face. Our friendship would have never worked out anyway if this is how you treat your friends. "
She turned to a flushed Paimon. "Let's get out of this place. "

She shot a last glance at the estranged man that she had hoped to call a friend. He wore a distraught face, probably reflecting on the Traveler's last words to him and she left with Paimon before he could speak another word.

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