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Scarlett POV

It's been a week now since i saw y/n and im starting to feel worried about her we're bouts. I didn't mean anything i said then i regret everything, i never new how much y/n meant to me and now that I haven't seen her in a week is killing me. And yes 4 days ago Rose was back with me she isn't missing too.

I gave up waiting for her so 1 day ago i went back to my place.....That i share with Colin. Yeah risky move i know. But im about to give birth to a baby and i need someone there.

And so far so good is what you can call it Colin has...Changed. When i came home he was bright and happy, it didn't look like he was daring or hungover witch is a first in the longest time. When i came home he was very confused why i came back and very confronting but decided to drop it. I dont know what happened when I was gone.

I haven't been sleeping in the same room as him though i slept in a spear on the other side of the house. And surprisingly in the morning he makes me breakfast same with Rose. Ok 1 weird and 2 weird.

Right now im in the guest bedroom watching tv mounted on the wall right in front of me thinking of life. I know cliche but true.

I cant move like this baby is restricting me of moving even a couple of steps. Colin left the house a while ago to go to work? Again never heard that before.

Rose is having a play date with her friend Sophie and wont be back till late so its just me. Bored. My mind started to drift back to y/n. God i wish she was here to keep me company. I look down at my bump rubbing it thinking of the little guy in there. "God i wish you were her's" i said to my self and i of course wish she was here.

Because y/n isn't i grabbed my phone and called my other bestie. Lizzie, yeah Elizabeth Olsen.

i pick up the phone to see its 3:00 O'clock, Jesus i have been in bed since 10:00, yeah I definitely need to get out of this bed. I press call on my phone then press speaker.

It rings for a couple rings before i hear a energetic voice through the other line

Lizzie: "HELLO" she squealed loudly through the phone making me flinch

Scarlett: G did you have to screen through the phone" i groan from the how loud she was
She just chuckled

Lizzie: "ok im sorry. Im sorry.. anyway how are you?"She asked

Scarlett: im oook, i mean not the best, with the nerves of this child coming out but everything else is fine" i said with a bit of uncertainty in my voice witch i made the excuse of nerves.

Lizzie: ohh you will be fine just think of the positives of the child that will be in your arms and from the rest of your life" she said making me take in her words,

Scarlett: yeah i know. Thank you i just every person has to have those never but on the bright side on due in a couple of weeks: i smiled even thought she cant see me

Lizzie: i know im so excited for you and the little one coming" (i know some of you could have a dirty mind here just get it out of the gutter) she said

Scarlett: me too, buuuutt im so bored and i need to get out of this house before I go insane so are you free?" I ask hopping she says yes

Lizzie: yeah i am free for the entire week they let the entire cast have a break because of how hard we have worked" she said making me remember that she is shooting a film and has been really busy lately

Scarlett: yeah i know what you mean when i was filming black widow I didn't catch a break, uuugh so tiering" i said as flash backs of me being so tired.

Lizzie: yeah but im happy that i have the week, anyway to answer your question. Get you ass off that bed we are going to the park, you can bring Rose and we can go scooping out for you know some... hotties" she said, i can basically hear the smirk on the other line.

Scarlett: oh shut up im not looking for anyone, especially when im still married to Colin" i said making it obvious.

Lizzie: your still married to the man, g Scarlett you need to use that cat of yours to good use" she said making me blush on the other said of the phone because she doesn't know that, it was already used. And also she doesn't know my relationship with y/n or what happened. But there is and never was a relationship with her. God i wish there was

Scarlett: uuuuugh shut up Lizzie, come pick me up i need to get out. Be here In 30" i said and hung up before she could reply. I didn't want to say anything else before i say something I shouldn't have.

I get up with struggle and waddle my way to my closet looking for something other than sweats.

This is going to be fun/NOT

Just friends (Y/n x Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now