Swing into Action I

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[3rd POV]

It was a nice, sunny day in the bustling Miami City. People were going about their business as adults went to their jobs, and kids were hanging out doing the number one pastime of the world. Playing the game of Duel Monsters. The game was so popular that schools and institutions were cropping up all over the world. However, this story is going to go to a specific Duel School. The You Show Duel School whose teaching focus is about the concept of Entertainment Dueling or "Duel-taining" for short.

At this moment in time, there was a duel happening at the You Show Duel School. A duel between Noboru "Gong" Gongenzaka and Yuya Sakaki. The setting was Feudal Japan in all its sixteen-bit glory since it was powered by an earlier version of the ARC Solid Vision Dueling System. Gong had two of his Superheavy Samurai monsters on his field. Both of them were in defense position. The duelist himself was standing firm and unmoving as a mountain. His attire consisted of a formal-type martial art uniform with a white color scheme merged with that of a high school uniform. He held his grey duel disk out in front of him, armed with an orange angular energy blade, with his other arm at his side in a combat pose similar to Kung Fu.

 He held his grey duel disk out in front of him, armed with an orange angular energy blade, with his other arm at his side in a combat pose similar to Kung Fu

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Gong LP: 2600

Gong: *draws card* "It's time for Gong's two sword swingin' Superheavy Samurais to hit the road. I tribute my Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler and Superheavy Samurai Swordsman to summon out somethin' more powerful."

His two monsters nodded their heads towards their master. They left the field disintegrating into particles that floated down onto the bridge. Hundreds of little lights pooled together to create a portal of brilliant blue light. A rumble resonated from within as a monster rose up from the portal. A monster that stood at twice the height of the other two monsters that were on the field. In the warrior's hands was a large Bo staff.

Gong: "Now Gong can bring out the biggest, baddest samurai of them all! Come forth, level eight, Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei!"

Gong: "Now Gong can bring out the biggest, baddest samurai of them all! Come forth, level eight, Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei!"

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Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei: DEF/3500

Gong: "Alright, Yuya. Enough clownin' around. It's time you show Gong what you're made of in a one-on-one match with Big Benkei!"

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