From the Doorway Comes a Stranger

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[3rd POV]

A few days had past since (Y/N)'s first class and the arrival of the two strangers in Miami City. After the night of their arrival, the two strangers began to search the city for clues to their objective. They scoured for anything they could find in regards to possible allies, the presence of their enemy, and their missing comrade. However, much to their disappointment, they didn't find much that was really helpful. This disappointment went doubly so when it came to the one who nearly jumped the security guard.

During their time here in this dimension, any of the leads and clues they managed to obtain that had actual substance pointed only to one thing. It was today where the calm one was near the place that all their leads lead to. There was a gentle breeze blowing through the air making his spikey black and purple hair sway in its current. He was leaning against the wall of an alley looking across the street from the Leo Institute of Dueling. The light of the sun reflected off and glinted against the shiny metal frame and pristine glass of the tower. In his hand was one of LID's badges that he "acquired" from a member of the organization recently. 

He brought it up and looked at it. The "L" and "D" were highlighted in a gold color while the "I" was in black. It curved and ended in a angelic wing-like design accented in white to stand out from the other colors. He gripped it before taking one last look at the Leo Institute. He knew, from somewhere in his gut, that this place was where his answers lied. Or at least a place that could give him more information to point him the right direction. In his mind, he was wondering what his friend was up to, and hoping that he wasn't hurting anyone.

Meanwhile, inside the Leo Institute, things were going on just like any other day. The students were diligently learning to become tomorrow's champions. The teachers doing their best to pass their knowledge to the young and eager minds in their classrooms. Everything was just like it was for any other day in the school. However, high up in the tower, there was a duel taking place in one of the practice arenas. This arena wasn't like the ones downstairs. These arenas were designed only for Standard dueling without any of the additional features an Action duel would provide. A space to test out deck recipes and test out strategies. Today, however, there was one person who was using this space.

Sylvio: "And now to break the ice and any chance you had of winning this duel. Mobius the Frost Monarch, put the freeze on Power Dart Striker! Ice Lance!"

Sylvio's new monster, Mobius the Frost Monarch, clamped his fists together to create an orb of bluish glowing energy. It radiated with a temperature so cold that everyone in the room could see the freezing fog coming off of it. The orb morphed to cover the entirety of Mobius's right arm solidifying into a lance of ice ending with a very sharp point. Mobius charged forward striking Power Dart Striker directly in the chest. The warrior didn't even stand a chance before digitizing and exploding into pieces bringing his friend's life points down to zero. The other two stood there mouths agape at the skill Sylvio had shown.

Bartholomew: "Woah..."

Jacob: "Nice play."

Steven: "It's no fair. Your cards are too powerful and so much better than mine."

Sylvio: *wags finger* "Incorrect. It's not because of the cards in my deck being too powerful. The one who is too powerful is, everyone?"

Boys: "Sylvio!"

Sylvio: "Oh, yes~♪ That's not to sat that I don't have sweet cards. A duelist's skills are important, but none are sweeter than mine! Skills that pay the bills, skills that bring the thrills, and skills that make the ladies shrill! Who's got it all?"

Boys: "Sylvio!!!"

Sylvio: "That's me! Some might say that I have a really big ego... Well?"

Boys: "He sure does!"

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