New Arrivals

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[3rd POV]

After the thrilling duel between Yuya and Sora, it was now time for the classroom aspect of the school day. Syuzo shuffled the kids into the classroom followed by him and then (Y/N) who closed the door. All the kids went over to sit in the various desks in the room while Syuzo went to the front of the classroom. This was when (Y/N) was starting to become a little nervous. She had never really taught anyone about anything before, so to be in this room knowing that she was about to teach all of them was starting to hit her a bit. 

Syuzo: "Alright, class. As you all know, I will no longer be your teacher here in this room."

Sora: "Wait a minute. You were the teacher, too?"

Syuzo: "Yes, now please don't interrupt. As of now, (Y/N) will be the one teaching you about Duel Monsters and how to become better duelists."

Syuzo stepped away from the front of the room and motioned for (Y/N) to come on up. She left out a nervous, short breath and came up to the front. Many thoughts ran through her head telling her all the ways that this could go wrong. (Y/N) forced those thoughts to stop and shoved them into the back of her consciousness. She looked down at the notes she took during Yuya's duel to help her focus. Once she reached the front, she could see everyone looking right at her with eyes curious and eager. That's when a memory of her past came to the surface inspiring her. It was of when she was a sophomore in high school and the new English teacher was introducing himself. (Y/N) decided to address them in a similar manner that he did in her old life. 

(Y/N): "Alright. Since this is my first day as your teacher, and I didn't really plan out anything yet. We will just be going over some rules that I will enforce while in this classroom, rudimentary knowledge of Duel Monsters, and breaking down some points I have made while observing the recent duel."

Futoshi: "Uhh... (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Yes, Futoshi?"

Futoshi: "Are we going to have to start calling you sensei now?"

(Y/N): "Address me in whatever manner you feel most comfortable with. Now, to go over some rules."

(Y/N) turned around, and to her shock, realized that the board behind her was a blackboard. On the rack at the bottom of the board held two pieces of chalk and an eraser. This was rather surprising given how much more advanced the technology in this world was in comparison to the one in her former life. It was kinda nice, if she was being honest. Something simple that wouldn't fail her if there was a power outage or anything of the like. (Y/N) picked up one of the chalk pieces and began to write on the board. As she was doing this, the others got out their notebooks and began to copy what she was writing on the board. Well, at least the kids and Yuzu were. Yuya and Sora just sat in their seats and watched. When (Y/N) was done, she set down the chalk and moved to reveal five rules now written on the board.

Be prepared for class

Raise your hand to speak

Respect your teacher and classmates

Do not interrupt others

Everyone will participate

(Y/N): "These are the rules that I expect everyone in this room to follow. Commit to them, because if catch you breaking one of these rules, you will be getting a point."

Ayu: "A point?"

Sora: "That doesn't sound so bad."

(Y/N): "On the contrary, actually. Every time that I catch someone breaking one of these rules, that individual will get a point. If you get three points, then you will be punished."

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