😘Hi! Cutiepie 😘

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No one pov:

JM and JK :Hobi??

RM :hmm Hobi why what happened to you two if anything wrong about that name.

JM :Nothing wrong about that name just that name is cute.

RM :yes, but that name only not cute he also look cute.

JK and JM : ohhh

JK :ok now we have meeting so shall we go .he said and left the room.

RM and Jimin also left the room....

(time skip to evening)

RM go to parking lot he was about to open the car door but stopped by someone.... And it was jin and his friend Hobi.

RM :hey! Love what are you doing here??. He said kiss jin lips softly and jin kiss him back.
After few minutes they look at each other and smile.

Hobi:H-hyung??. Hobi said close his eyes because he is too innocent (lol)

RM and jin turn back to face hobi who was closeing his eyes with small little thin hands..

RM : I didn't notice you are hear.

Hobi: It's OK hyung..

RM :ok now tell me why you both are here???

Jin :hobi want to see your company so that's why we are here.

Hobi: yes!hyung I want to see your company,your office room, your staffs, your friends.

RM : But- .he was cut off by hobi's cute puppy eyes who say no to his puppy eyes.

Hobi with puppy eyes 🐕🐕

Hobi with puppy eyes 🐕🐕

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RM : *sigh* ok

Hobi :yesssss!!!!

Jin: OK then take care of you hobi enjoy with your hyung I'm going I have some important work after finish my work I'm will be back and pick you up OK!! Have a good day bye 👋 👋

Hobi and RM bid their bye to jin and jin left the company. Hobi and RM go inside the company suddenly some staffs come to RM and said.

Staff 1: Sir system is collapsed can you please come with us...

RM : What!!!!!! OK I'm coming.he angrily sigh and turn towards to hobi who look panic. So RM change into soft tone. And said.

RM : hobi go to my office room go to 15th floor. My office only their OK.

Hobi : OK hyung I'm going

RM nobbed and go to system room and hobi go to 15th floor.

Hobi pov:
My hyung office is so beautiful I'm on my thoughts suddenly someone tap my shoulder I turn around to see a tall and handsome guys in front of me one man look like a bunny and another man look like a baby. I totally forgot why I'm here I just look two gorgeous eyes. Suddenly the bunny start to speak.

JK (bunny) : who are you? What are you doing here?. The bunny ask questions about me.

Hobi: how bunny could speak??. I ask under my breath but I think he really have bunny ears he hear my question.

JK : WHAT!!! I'm not bunny you are BLIND OR SOMETHING . He ask no no shout at me.

Hobi: I'm not blind but you really look like a bunny. I said I almost about to cry because no one shout me before .

JM :hey!!! It's okay jk. He said patted the bunny beast shoulder and turn to me and ask.

JM :Who are you baby boy? What are you doing here? And who comes with you? He ask me in soft tone he is not like that beast bunny.

Hobi:(pout) First I'm not baby boy I'm 16 soon going to be 17 next I have name I'm jhope second this is my hyung's office so I come here anytime I want and finally I'm came with my hyung and my BFF Jin. Ok now tell me who are you both,what are you doing in my hyung's office I think you both are working here be careful with me if you did anything to me I ask to huyng and fire you both.

JM : oh ok I'm Jimin and this Bunny Boy is Jungkook and we are not working here we are your hyung's BFF and- . He was cut off himself by my hyung sudden entry hyung look three of us and smile .

RM : JK and Jimin meet my little brother Hobi and Hobi meet my BFF Jungkook and Jimin .

JK :oh your the owner of that cute name RM already told about you in this morning he told your name only not cute you also look cute.... And yes you all look great. He make me blush I'm cheeks turn to red like blood rose.

Hobi : I-i know that. I said shyly suddenly they both said.

JM and JK : Hi! Cutiepie.

Hobi : Me cutiepie???


Hi writer is here hope you enjoy the part 2 of (I love you two) book and next part is gonna be late because I'm having exam I will try my level best to update the next chapter soon.

And I'm think about my 2nd book if you want another book or not, Tell me what kinda story type you want ,and tell me what jhope ship you want. OK 👋 bye

Thankyou for your love and support .....

I Love You two〣Jihopekook〣{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now