🚧I Need You Daddies🚧

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(In party)No one pov:

???: After he drink this he will turn on and he need me to fix his problem(evil smirk).

Waiter:  To whom sir?

???:For Jung Jhope give this to him.

Waiter: ok sir. He said bow and leave the person who gave him the drink.

Lee: What happened Kinn? why are you so angry at him.

Kinn: Just wait and see(evil smile).

Tae come to the stage and welcome his boyfriend to come to the stage too. Yoongi go to him with shy smile. The next time Yoongi eyes start to wet happy tears fall down his cheeks because Tae kneel down and took a ring in his coat pocket.

Tae: Baby 6 years of our love your the one who teach me what is love and how to express it you make me happy and give me a reason to live my life your my life and. He took a deep breath before said that words.

Tae: I love you baby, Will you marry me. He said with nervous smile.

Suga: Y-Yes I will marry you. He said and hugged him tightly and Tae put the ring and kiss him everybody cheer  them up Hobi smile at them and wipe his tears.

Jimin and Jk watch Hobi who smile at his hyungs. The next scene was boil Jk's blood because one unknown person came to Hobi and talk to him put his hands on Hobi's tiny waist and pull him closer but all the time Hobi just smile at the stranger. Jk got up from the chair and about to go but stopped by Jimin who grabbed his hand and shake his head.

JK : what happened Jimin? I want to go to them and stop them. He said tears start to form a little bit.

JM :No Jk we are too late. He said with sad smile Jk know what the other side they are late to care about him,love him so now they just watching there lover with someone else.

After a while one of the waiter came to Hobi and give the drug mix drinks. Hobi smile and drink the drinks. He just sitting in the corner of the party hall he don't like party that much. Few minutes late Hobi sweat badly, he feel so hot. He look down to see his pant which grown up little. After see that he ran to the washroom. He see himself in mirror and breath heavily not because of running just because of his problem. He start to remove his shirt botton and unbuckle his pant and start to rub his member. He moan loudly and cum but his dick did not get down that get hard and harder he came 3 times but no use.

JH : what the fuck is this? What the fuck happen to me? I can't fix myself I need someone to help me but were did I go. He said still try to calm his hard cock down.

Another hand Jimin and Jk look for Hobi but didn't find him.

JK : why he took so long to come out of the washroom? If he slept there?.

JM : shut the fucking up Kookie come let's go inside. He said grab his friend hand and go inside the washroom but shocked when he see Hobi like this the both of them look at each other and turned on.

JK : what are you-

Hobi: I Need You Daddies.

JM:W-.Before he start to speak he was cut off by Hobi's hungry kiss three of them kiss each other hungrily.

Hobi broke the kiss and dragged them into one of the room and push them on bed go top of them and kiss them hardly. He remove his own clothes and remove there clothes too did not break the kiss. Hobi start to suck the dick of his daddies to prepare them for fuck.

I Love You two〣Jihopekook〣{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now