💞I think I love them💞

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JK and JM : you're ours got it!!!

Hobi :huh?!!

JM : yes baby you remember our first meet on that day me and JK start to like you.

JK and JM :we like you.

Hobi pov:

When I hear that word I felt like butterflies flying in my stomach I'm so happy but why?!? Because I really really love them so much. I'm in my own thoughts but snap out by them. They both put hand on my waist pull me into beautiful loveable kiss on my lips they both kiss me in same time we three kiss eachothers and this is my first kiss I really melt in that kiss the way they touch me the way they kiss me everything I like it no, no l love it. After our sweet kiss we three pull out and they look me into eye to eye make me blush even more.

JK : Shall we go to our home baby??.
He ask I shyly nobbed and jimin put his one hand on my waist and JK put his hand on my shoulder we three left the club.

(flashback: came to company incident)

Hobi pov: (at night):

After joon hyung and me back to my house he bid his bye to me I waved back to him. I signed and open the door and go inside the house and it was empty in think jin hyung did not came to home right now he didn't came to office to pick me up so that's why joon hyung came to drop me I go to livingroom and push myself on sofa I think about them they Bunny Boy and that babyboss when I think about them I heart beat raised has hell. I just smile at myself like idiot.

Hobi : I think I love them?!!. Ask to myself and I fall asleep on sofa.
(end of flashback)

Hobi pov:

I just think about that (flashback) again I smile like an idiot jimin was in passenger seat and JK drive the car I'm in back seat jimin notice me through the mirror and he ask me.

JM : what happen baby why are you smiling??. He asked and JK also look me through the mirror and smirk.

Hobi : N-n-nothing hyung. I said shyly they both smile at me.

(Few moment later:At JK and JM mansion)

JK hyung park the car infroent of the beautiful mansion



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I Love You two〣Jihopekook〣{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now