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Hobi pov:

I wake up when the sun rays fall on my face. I took a deep breath before I get down from bed I try to move my body, I can't my hole body start to hurt because I try to move. What happened to me? I start to think about last night. I am blushing harder. I snapped out of my thoughts when the bathroom door open and I can see my bunny boyfriendddd...... 'ABS' he just took a shower so he only wipe a towel around his waist and another towel on his neck that try to dry his hair. He even can't dry his body properly. The water drop slide from his hair. I stare at him like not even tomorrow.He saw me through the mirror how I stare him and he smirk and turn back to see my face and came close to me and kiss my lips I kiss him back.

JK : Are you awake baby (warm smile).

Hobi: yes! Hyung and where is Jimin hyung?. I ask make him chuckle.

Hobi:why are you laughing?(pout).

JK :nothing baby just you look so cute.
He said kiss my pout make me feel shy.

JK : ok then, get ready baby we are going out for a d-. Before he could finish I start to speak.

Hobi : No hyung I'm not going with you. I said make him confused.

JK : why???

Hobi:be-because my ass and butt hurt.
I say shyly and he again kiss me and carry me to bathroom and he said.

JK:Don't shy baby I'm here to help you I think daddy is right?He ask make blush I know now what going to happen I nobbed my head and close the door and start to took bath.

(Time skip:After a hot bath)
Jimin pov:

I'm in kitchen finish cooking for my cute little baby boy. I arrange the dinner table.After finishing that I took
a deep breath. 'perfect' I thought to myself. After few minutes later I hear a giggle sound came to distance I turn and smile after see my baby he ran to me and jump in my arms I smile and kiss all over his face. He start to giggle.

JM :Good morning baby.

Hobi:Good morning chim chim.(sunshine smile)

JM : Did you sleep well?

Hobi:*sigh* No hyung you both did not let me sleep(pout). My baby said I and Jk burst into laughter.

JK : *laugh* o-k j-just get-get ready baby.

Hobi: where Hyung?

JM : for a date.. (smile)

Hobi: for a date! Yaaaa!

JK:yes baby where did you want to go.

Hobi:Hotel, Park, Movie, Temple, Ice cream shop and Shopping.

JM : ok then dress up guys after breakfast we are leaving ok.

Hobi : but Hyungs I don't have any dress now.

JK :*smirk* you don't have anything to wear ok I have some clothes for you.

Hobi : Kookie Hyung thank you and I love you(Smile)

JK :ok baby.

No one pov:

After the breakfast they all are going to there owe room Jimin and Jungkook and already dressed up and Jungkook go to Jhope room and gave him some clothes.
(Jimin outfit)

 (Jimin outfit)

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I Love You two〣Jihopekook〣{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now