😭Just we like you😭

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No one pov:

Jimin open the door and go inside the house. He feel weird when he see the whole mansion are filled with dark.

JK : Jimin where is hobi? He don't like dark right?

JM : Yes Jk I don't know where is he. He said both Jimin and Jungkook search for Hobi but didn't find him anywhere.

Jimin open the 3j bedroom door and saw Hobi who hug his knees Jimin smile at him. Jimin go to hobi and touch him. He was shock when he feel other was crying.

JM : Hobi? baby? what happen to you? why are you crying?. He ask about to touch him but he back away from Jimin.

Jk came to the room and switch on the light. He came near to bed and lift hobi's face shock Hobi cry his eyes turn to red because of crying.

JK : Baby what happen? Why are you crying? (Worry)

Hobi:w-why d-did you do this t-to me?

JK : what we did to you baby? He ask make other to get angry hobi get up from the bed with angry face.

Hobi: why did you both cheat on me? I think you both really love me? but you both Hyungs tell me I'm not satisfy for you two? (angry). He continuly ask questions make other to speechless.

JM : Hobi what are you talking? We don't cheat on you we really like you (panic).

Jk and Jimin receive slap from hobi. They both rub there cheeks. Jimin got angry he grabbed Hobi hand tightly. Hobi shout in pain.

JM : yes we slept with womens and one thing WE. JUST. LIKE. YOU. OK.
That's it.
He let go of Hobi hand 'yes they both did not said I love you to me. They just said I like you right? I'm the one idiot here' Hobi though to himself his heart broke down into million pieces he sat on the floor while crying he sadly smile.

Hobi: yes hyung you are correct I'm the one idiot here sorry hyungs for slap you. He said go to his bedroom and lock the door after close the door he start to cry he slap himself, hurt himself after a long time he stand up for the floor go to closet and pack his things and get out of the house he don't know what to do or where to go. He don't like dark but it's time 2 in the morning it was too dark he scare of darkness. He slowly walk to bus stop and sit on the chair he start to broke down into tears.

Hobi: wh-why? Why always m-me? I don't do a-anything to a-anyone right b-but why a-always me? (sobbing).

After a long time he wipe his tears and decide to go to somewhere.

Yoongi pov:

After a rough night with my boyfriend we fall asleep together. Suddenly the door bell rang I wake up my boyfriend but he don't I get mad but go and open the door shock I see one red face standing outside of the house it was hobi.

Suga: what happen hobi? You know what is the time now? Wh-. I cut off by the hug yes he is hug me while CRYING...

Suga : hey! What happen? Why are you crying?

Hobi:H-hyung t-they b-both cheat on me (sobbing).

Suga:shh, shh I'm here no one hurt you ok don't cry. I comfort him after awhile he stop crying he look at me.

Suge: now tell me what happen? I ask he tell everything to me that make my blood boil.

Suga: Here after no one hurt you please come with us Hobi we take care of you.

Hobi: But hyung Tae-. He cut off by a sudden voice behind me. I turn around to see my boyfriend.

KTH : it's okay sunflower come with us (warm smile). He said Jhope ran to him and hug him I just smile but my boyfriend open another arms for me I smile and join with us.

Suga: wait did they do anything bad to you. I ask with worry face he nobbed his head. WHAT?.

Hobi: yes hyung they....

KTH and suga : They.....?

Hobi: They took my innocent....

KTH and suga :WHAT???

Suga: How did you allow them to do that? Hobi your child how did they do this to you? Ok did you all use any safety things. I ask he said 'no'


KTH : what happen baby? Don't shout he is scared.

Suga: You don't know Tae now he will be...

KTH : He will be ...?

Suge: Now he will be able to get 'pregnant'

KTH : WHAT?????.


Thank you for vote me love you all...

This book is good to be end soon but don't be sad. My new book 'War of Time's will be coming soon stay tune...

Sorry for the short story I hope you all like it. Sorry if any mistakes means forgive me....

Love you all

I Love You two〣Jihopekook〣{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now