🚧D-daddy2 🚧

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No one pov:

Hobi: strip??

JM: yes hobi strip for daddies .

Hobi bit his bottom lip think for awhile but he trust his boyfriends so he slowly remove his shirt off reveal his beautiful milky skin he try to hide his chest but JK grabbed his hands and he lick his lips see hobi in lust full eyes.

JK : don't be shy baby (smirk).

Hobi: h-hyung!!-. He was cut off by Jimin put his finger on hobi lips sign to shut up.

JM : don't call us hyung right now ok baby don't make me mad. He said in dark dark tone.

JK:hurry up hobi remove your pant too.

Hobi : huh??

JK : hobi strip all your clothes baby daddies want to see you naked (smirk)

Hobi don't know what to do so he stand still for a while Jimin came closer to him whisper in ears.

JM : don't be panic baby you trust your daddies right??

Hobi nobbed his head and slowly remove rest of his dress, now he is full naked. JK push hobi on bed and go top of him and start to kiss Hot kiss. Jimin took off his clothes and go top on hobi and Jk also took off his clothes. Jimin take hobi's soft dick into his hot mouth start to suck it harder. Jk took hobi balls and suck it harder. The heatness of both alpha's drive him crazy and start to moans in pleasure.
Hobi grab the alphas hair in pleasure.
After few moments later Jimin and Jk pulled out make the other hard. Hobi see his boyfriends in confusionly.

Hobi: w-what happen hyu-daddy??

JM : I think we prepare you for the game so now you want to prepare us.

They both lay down now hobi is top on them. Hobi take the tow big dick in his small hands and lick the tip of the two dick in same time.

JK :d-don't tease u-us baby.

Jimin pat on hobi's head. Hobi look at them in confusion look.

JM : suck it up baby.

Hobi slowly start to suck the dicks because his mouth is smaller than the dicks.

JK : f-faster baby boy.

They both start to thrust into hobi mouth. Hobi eyes are getting watery because both pain and pleasure in same time. After few moments later they pulled out the dicks because they was about to cum. They don't want to come into hobi mouth, they want to fill hobi with cum.

Hobi : D-daddy it hurts. He said tears filled his eyes.

JM : nothing baby you feel better soon.
He said kiss his lips softly.

JK :me too. He said he also kiss hobi lips.

Jimin lift hobi from bed before he made him sit on his dick he warn hobi.

JM : Hobi It hurts a bit.He said hobi bit his lip and nob his head.

Jimin make him sit down on his dick slowly. Hobi tighten his hole make the other moans loudly.

JM : fuck..

Jimin move the other hip up and down slowly. Hobi roll his eyes back in pleasure. JK go to back and mark hobi's neck ,nipples ,lips, chest and he also put his dick in other hole and start to thrust harder. Bed start to hitting the wall.

Hobi : d-daddy something w-wrong on my s-stomach it feel w-weird.

JM : I'm g-gone cum Jk .

JK : m-me too. They said both cum and fill hobi.

But they didn't stop thrust him. They thrust him even harder make hobi tears up in pleasure he start to moan loudly.

Hobi : aah a-aah d-daddy dad-daddy fast a-ahh. He said make them hard and thrus him faster and deeper and harder.

JK and JM : a-aah fuck!!

Three of them come at same time hobi came on Jimin chest and both Jimin and Jungkook came in hobi hols and fill him. Hobi collapsed and passed out on Jimin's chest. Jk collapsed and lay on bed three of them breath heavily and smile at each others hobi shyly close his face. JK remove his hands from his face and kiss him on forehead.

JK : don't be shy baby. (warm smile). Hobi nobbed his head and said.

Hobi : I l-love you hyungs.(smile shyly)
Jimin and Jk look at each other and smile.

JM and JK : we also like you.

Jimin climb top on hobi again and smirk.

JM : second round baby??

A/N : please pray for Hobi.(lol)

Next part Taegi also come to meet us.And I will try to update next part as soon as possible because Im having exam so please wait for next part... I think I'm not good at writing if I made any mistakes means forgive me...

Thanks for your love and support.

I Love You two〣Jihopekook〣{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now