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I paced behind him quietly thinking,

It's not like I forgave him for anything, Its not that I wasnt still mad...

but there was something magnetic about his kindness, when he choose to be kind. His eyes..that way he looked at .e..

I groaned

The curse that he had been gifted seemed alot more complex, why did he change into that beast? and is the beast under his control? it had to of been right? 

I sighed, my head felt hot even after walking through the shade.

"You..really left for me?"
I asked

Atem picked out a bountiful mango off a near by tree casting a cooling shade of the sand. His eyes were wearly with exaustion, as he gazed at me he handed a the fruit over

"Yes..I had too" his voice soft as his hands brushed mine

My heart fluttered a momeng

Atem looked away suddenly glaring his face twisted with rage clentching his teeth.

loud thudding could be heard in the distance. I squinted my eyes trying to see through the mirage.

"They are coming...we must leave now" Atem sneered

"They? You mean?"

Yugi?! I thought he found me!

My eyes lit up as a group of men could be seen nearing from the horizan. My heart began to race. Now was my chance, I could-

Yugi shouted out to me though his voice was quiet against the armor of the thieves,
A sword was drawn pointed toward the pharaoh.

I turned back to Atem his eyes grew more wild the moment he saw yugi the veins seemed to buldge looking ready to burst at any second.

Atem eyes quickly darted back to me

I stood almost still my hands floated out slowly in front of me as a called back towards yugi.

Stem grabbed my arm digging into my skin.

"You will not..leave my side" he sneered deeply

I winced as my arm began to bleed
I cried ojt to yugi horrified.

Atem grabbed my face his eyes seemed pained

"You willed not"

With a quick gester a cloud of darkness spilled from the pharaohs hand a black sand filled their causing the Theievs and yugi to retreat.

"Oh Little brother if you try to take her from me you will die, and ill be sure before you take your last breath I will take her innocence before you you will watch her suffer helplessly" the pharaoh taunted.

I tried to scream but the black sand seemed to suffocate the sound around me. I gasped as I felt air leaving my throat.

"YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING" yugi screamed back "your powerless against me, I-"

The pharaoh started laughing,
"One by one.." He whispered softly
Yugi heard someone struggling behind him he turned back to see a man clawing his very face off with his nails, flesh peeling away as he screamed his clawing became more and more aggressive.

"Help him!" Yugi yelled
As another tried to restrain him the man bite down on his face ripping his cheek flesh from his face.
Both man now screamed in agony

"Yugi! We arnt prepared for this.. We have to abandon the mission" another yelled

"Enough! You fool!" Yelled the theif king
"We cannot possibly win... You impatient swine! We need her and the-"

Yugi eyes began to burn from the sand beating against his face, the night the thief king exposed the truth on how to defeat the pharaoh, made Yugi determined and motivated to take him out woth one swift move, but without the name, and the amulet he wouldnt be able to stop him.

The sword was all yugi had...

Another man started to scream out his eyes buldging from his skull before obliterating before them. Yugi covered his face sweat pooled around him.

He had to save her..


Atems hands still held my arm it had gone numb as blood started to drip down to the sand below.

I felt faint

I looked at the pharaoh to see the half beast half man that he was, his eyes wicked and red. Fur patched across his skin claws forming from his hands.
I had to stop him from cause more harm.

I lifted myself to him
He began to growl pressing his claws deeper into my arm i winced the pain was now more then I could bare.

I heard another scream,
These men were lost in this black sandstorm.

I placed my hands on his cheecks cradling his humonaid face
His wicked eyes seemed to calm the moment they focused on me.

I had to...do this... I took a deep breaths
I touched my lips to his, kissing him gently at first, his grib loosed on my arm as he reached around my waist pulling me into him he parted my lips and danced between them, his form turned back, and the sand began to calm.

"Mine...your mine..." He whispered as he pulled away from me. His lips gently carassed my neck before biting down.

I screamed out in pain as he bit harder
"Please!" I begged "please lets just go.."
My tears burned my eyes as the sand finally settled enough to see Yugi

He face looked shattered once he realized what he sad
"NO!!!!" Yugi yelles.

The pharaoh wiped the blood from his lips.

As she collapsed on the ground blood pooling around.

Atem laughed
"Mine...my poor dolt pet"
He lifted her into his arms before vanishing.

Yugi fell to the ground

"What- is she..."

The thief king laughed

"Hes marked her know kid, like he did to you...shes now bound to him.. He dies, she dies.."

Yugis tears began to drip down his cheeks

"Where is he taking her?" He whispered

The theif king pondered a moment,

"The palace of course... Thats where he always ends up"

Yugi wiped his eyes

"We need the amulet... And his name... We need to kill the pharaoh."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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