♒Blackend Heart♒

891 19 15

My heavy eye lids began to open.
Am I dead?
The dust still stired around me I began to blink rapidly trying to break the harsh ringing in my ears. My eyes adjusted to the dull light
I felt weight around me I recalled the beast in nearly killing me. I turned quickly to see a man nude face down
My eyes widened.. What? I looked around the room was so dark in looked toward the ceiling if could hardly make out the entrance in which we had fallen. A small bit of light stringed out from the top. I wondered where the beast had gone. Had it made its way out? Or.. I slowly moved the man over
My heart sink "yugi?..." I rubbed my eyes again.

"No...it...cant be"

I clapped my hands over my mouth pushing myself against the dirt wall.

There he was...The pharaoh...

I slowly found it in myself to approach him. I ripped some of my dress to cover him with. He looked peaceful something I had harsly seem him ever be.

I sighed contemplating was he infact the beast in had seen so long ago..he had to be right? But..

The pharaoh began to groan

I quickly backed against the wall nervously

On A deep inhale the pharaoh rose his body hunched from pain

"Oh I found you my dolt pet..."

He breathed in again

"That sweet sweet...smell"

He rose to his feet like that of a corpse rising from the dead.

My heart was out of my chest beating so loudly i thought it would cause the earth the break once again.

He began to stagger towards me weakly reaching out.
I pressed myself into the rubble nearby nowhere to go

His finger reached my lips gripping my jaw

"You.. Think you.." His breathing struggled " id let...you go so easily"

He collpased to his knees

"I.." His hands gripped my hips "I..am.."
His weak body collapsed at my feet once more.

I felt a twist in my heart this man, this embodiment of evil.. I could end his life right heres and though the evil that suppodly lays dorment in his body will reincarnate it would atleast mean getting the revenge is seek.

I stared at him unable to move for sometime. His face was sweet I brought myself down to him gentally moving his hair away from his dirty face. Dried blood and dirt covered him I glanced around for anything useful. A small puddle of murky water had collected enough water I dipped the edge of my dress and began to clean his face.

I couldnt help but feel that there was some good in him..still after all this time..he had infact shown me some sort of kindness..the many times he could of killed me he hesitates...I skoffed at myself reminding me he had imprisoned me and Yugi not to mention lied about it, killed innocent people..ruined the kingdom etc..

I skoffed my fists shaking with rage.
I could end it here and now..

A life for a life... He spared me I will spare him but only this one single time.

I knew that I needed to leave this pit though I did not think it was a pit at all but a tomb. Artwork and writing seemed worn out, old as the earth itself. I laid the pharaoh aside
And began to remove some rubble the room was so difficult to traverse as little light was offered. I began to get fusterated as my arms started to weaken. It seemed useless my knuckles were skinned and bleeding from the sharp rocks i fell to the floor kicking in total defeat.

"Why have the gods forsaken me. I should of kept away" I mumbled. I couldnt help but wonder if Yugi was out there trying to look for me.. Or worse, beliving I was dead.

I laid my head on my knees trying to collect my thoughts

A soft humming startled me
The room was so much darker now I could only assume night had reached the sky. The humming was low and frighteningly I crawled behind a chunk of rock.

I cold and firm grib grabbed me on the back of my neck forcing me backwards

A soft warm whisper breathed into my ear

"Mmmhmm Mmm I found you"

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