♒The Myth of Three♒

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"NO!" The pharaoh shouted slamming the door shut.
his eyes glared at me with such rage I was afraid of what he would do this time.

"that is enough exploring for you my dolt pet" a half smile made me anxious as grabbed my arm pulling me away from the voice

I ripped my arm from his grip turning for the door again when I hard a soft snap

the flames went out abruptly in this cold dungeon room. the silence and darkness didnt scare me I had sort of gotten used to the pharaohs scare tactics and games I reached my arms out ahead of me trying to find the stone wall.
a soft deep laugh bellowed from the darkness as I managed to brush against the wall
but this wall was different it was..like wet sand and smelled of blood I flew back falling down I felt the chills setting in.

my eyes began to adjust to the darkness the wall of sand wasnt just sand but face faces of men and women screaming out I screamed

a hand clapped over my mouth

shhhhh the pharaoh whispered in my ear
"they won't hurt you..they are just looking for a soul to take"
the pharaoh pressed against my neck smelling me
"your soul smells so sweet...I'm sure They..would..enjoy you"

I screamed crawling away from his grasp I felt my heart flying I had to get out of here now. I crawled on the floor carefully so scared to move any inch..the pharaoh his mind games were too real. all the rumors were real this was really happen a bellowing laugh ignited the torches lighting the room once more
completely normal I was shaking trying to pull myself up but collapsed once more my legs felt numb the fear I felt
the Pharaoh walked toward me laughing to himself he held out his hand to help me up.
I scoffed at him
"get away from me!" I shouted
trying once more the sand up.
the pharaoh scooped me over his shoulder
"put me down! what are you doing" I shouted being on his back his laughs turned playful he carried me up into the main hall into one of the pharaohs many longues this one however was quite different everything was quite old and outdated as he set me down sand and dust times up causing me to cough

"what do you want from me?" I said coughing once more
the pharaoh walked toward the small open window his face was soft in the moon light

"have you ever heard the old stories from the old kingdom..?"

"No..I haven"t" I said brushing the sand off the pillows near me frustratingly

the pharaoh let out a light sigh before facing me
"did I truly scare you?" he nearly whispered

I nodded
"what's wrong with you? ive played your games
you've attacked me
you've given me no answers!
what do you want with me!" I finally shouted

His face seemed pained that somehow I had just stabbed a dagger through his chest I clenched my hands awaiting whatever other game he had in store

"no..no your right.."
he placed his hand on my cheek
"you've challenged me in a way no one has..youve defeated me at my most treasured games.."
his eyes traced my face looking for something

he squeezed my cheeks harshly

his eyes narrowed
before pinning me into the musty pillows on the floor

"and eventually you will pay with your life"

his grip released as he held the bridge of his nose as though he was frustrated his face twisted

"you will remain here until I come for you" he shouted

I ran for the door but he slammed and locked the large door shut

I beat on the door a few moments before giving up

Quietly left to my thoughts

The pharaoh walked down the quiet hallways fighting within himself. his thoughts carried him down to the dungeon where Yugi laid in a cage beaten and bruised

"please not now, I'm begging you!" he shouted tears forming in his eyes he had delt with enough the passed few hours

the pharaoh presses his finger to his chin ignoring Yugis pleas

"tell me...little brother...do you remember the stories of the old kingdom"

"little brother?" his heart sank  "What do you" he swallowed hard fearing hed answer wrong" well ye yes I Know of the-" the pharaoh raised his hand.

now facing yugi through the cage

the light illuminated the pharaohs face

yugi backed against the wall

"you..it..it cant be..you..we

the pharaoh began to laugh

"yes...now tell me little brother..tell me what you know of the ancient stories"

///this was written on my phone!//

I will address the grammer and spelling errors tommrow but I wanted to try to get something out!

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