♒Morning haze♒

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The pharaoh walked down the cold steps to the dark catacombs of the palace temple. He hoped that Seto had infact done his part preparing his brother for the test that he was about to be given.

The pharaoh felt his only way to escape his families curse was passing it along..to yugi. His hands sweaty as he pulled the door open to see yugi tied to the mummification table screaming for help.

"You should of gauged him Seto.." The nudged

"I figured you enjoy the screams..." Seto replied 

The pharaoh sat down picking an apple off the wooden table near by and taking a bite

"So...shall we begin?"

Yugi grew silent as he glanced at that same wooden table decorated in instruments he'd never even seen. torturous tools he'd only heard of. He felt the cool flush of fear take him as The high priests fingers gently traced the tips the objects that would soon meet his flesh.

My head ached.

That nightmare I had..

I scratched my head trying to escape the screams. This palace was driving me mad.

The pharaoh!

I bit my lip trying to put together what exactly happened last night...dinner was..unexpected and why did he bring me here?

The room was a lot bigger then it seemed the bed was soft and comfortable the furniture was beautifully decorated. And the walls were adorned with stories. I never did learn to read and write but I sat up and paced my room tracing over the various pictures trying to make up the beautiful stories they were trying to tell.

"Eh hem.."

I stopped facing the door
A tall man stood there with an icy cold stare

"Excuse the intrusion.. I am high priest Seto, I am here to tour you through the palace."

My eye brow rose in suspicion

The mans eyes flash at me making me straighten my face out in discomfort
I quickly bowed in respect

"Tha thank you High priest, uhm"

"You arn't planning on leaving here so underdressed are you?" He turned away rubbing his temples

"You've got to be kidding me..Damn you for tasking me with idiocy" Seto spoke harshly under his breath

He clapped sharply "Come, come get to it"

The eunuch from yesterday rushed in nearly pushing me over I embarrassingly stood there as I was stripped down and decorated. Totally exposed might I add to the strange intimidated man in the doorway whom was polite enough to turn his back as they pawed me to perfection.
A long day dress decorated in beetle wings and jewels I felt...out of touch considering I typically wore what most common people did.

"Compliments from the pharaoh for giving you such a lovely assortment of gifts" he said snidely

I wanted to rip it all off the moment Seto said something but knew I needed to suck it up being nude was not an option at this point.

The high priest held his arm out as we walked down the hall way he began showing me...what remained of the palace

I noticed how beautiful things must had been. As it seemed most of the palace was ill kept full of dust, and emptiness. The high priest pointed to a plot of dried and dead flowers outside and spoke of it being a beautiful garden until the famine. I kept quite but I felt questions start to rise and it wasn't too long after wed been walking through stagnate and dusty halls that I spoke

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