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Days, perhaps even months seemed to pass each day I became more and more tired, more and more hopeless.

Since being locked up here I tried to escape each time and time again I was beaten worse and worse until finally I stopped trying to run.

I often gazed out the window scratching up the crumbling stone with my finger tips waiting anxiously, hoping Yugi would somehow come back for me but he never did. He never even tried. I felt betrayed by the only friend id come to have. He Had abandoned me, after all I did for him. I had only myself now.
Other servants tend to stay away from me as they considered me trouble or unlucky. I couldn't blame them I was constantly fighting until they took it into their own hand to constantly bullied me into doing their jobs. 
Everyday that went by I felt more and more of myself melt away, my will was almost completely broken.

Each day I cleaned the rooms, the floors the halls. And not once did I ever see the man whom tricked me into this situation.

The man, The Pharaoh, that made my insides burn with rage.

Every time I thought of it I felt my eyes burning from the tears dripping down my flushed cheeks

It was early afternoon when I began on the hall floors scrubbing harder into the smoothed marble. I was polishing slowly lost in my thoughts I felt myself well up with tears as i started to think of Yugi when I saw two legs before me in my way of scrubbing

I looked up slowly afraid to whom my eyes would lay on. 

Those red eyes stared back at me making me knock the bucket over. Dirty water expelled on to the newly clean floors.

I was paralyzed. I used to re-create the scenario in my head of what i would do to him if i ever saw him. but at this very moment, I couldn't move

The man that I hated, The man who I hadn't seen since the day he imprisoned me stood before me.

The pharaoh bent down and brought the bucket back upright his eyes never leaving mine
 he picked the bucket upright 

"What a shame...look how pathetic you've become my dolt pet. I expected you to be more..." He stood up

"Resilient " his foot came at such force it threw me down his shoe to my throat pinning me to the ground. 
I gripped on to his leg hoping it would relieve the pressure on my neck. My nails sinking into his flesh didn't phased him.

"Why..why did you trick me!"
I shouted as he placed more pressure down

 his face perked up a spark in his eyes, A sinful smile 

"There's my little fire" he spoke under his breath

He move his foot off my neck before pulling me up to his face 

"You're not totally broken....still some fight in you...that is very remarkable"

I looked away from those piercing eyes as I was afraid he'd see the fear sneaking up on me. 

He finally let go of me I fumbled back to the floor

" I believe you deserve a reward of something for making it this long.." his eyes slanted towards me

"You will have dinner with me this evening, no exceptions" he walked by me quietly 

I stared down the long hall uncertain what exactly had just come out of the pharaohs mouth

What did he just say? Dinner?

"I shall send for you later, and I request you get cleaned up..you smell fifthly" He scoffed as he continued. 

I wanted to punch him square in the face. His comments were so distasteful he clearly needed to learn how to talk to people better I huffed smacking the dirt off my dress.



"Let me out!" Yugi screamed his hands caked with dirt and Blood. The Guards walked by without even a glance.

The Pharaoh had kept his word, but with a twisted sense humor Yugi was escorted off the palace grounds to somewhere worse. The Temple Prisons, A place rumored to be where the pharaoh ordered experiments on to the worse criminals in Egypt. The rumors were never clear on the what or the why and Yugi did not want to find out. It had been months since he'd been incarcerated here. Each day that went by he felt his mind slipping he couldnt remember the last time he saw the sunlight. 

His concern though was more on her. 

He wondered if she was okay, if she managed to get away. He filled his heads with doubts and worries that she was gone. He could of only hoped that what he heard was true and that she had simply taken her place as a servant. Though he needed to escape and as each month passed he plotted. 

It wasn't until a tall man with the coldest iciest blue stare opened the cell door startling that Yugi learned what he was in for. The pharaoh has much more planned for Yugi then anyone else in this prison.


~~The Pharaoh~~

"My Pharaoh, we have to address the situation, I've check on him and put him to the first test " High Priest seto spoke sternly

The pharaoh held his chin staring blankly

"and what exactly is that situation Seto?" His tone dull and sarcastic

Seto stood straight "If we let him go, your brother would be the rouse for a revolt against you. He is the only hope the people have.  

Hearing this made The Pharaohs blood boiled. 

"How dare you!" The pharaoh screamed tossing a small table nearby decaying fruits sputtered to the floor.

"Leave! be gone! I wish not to discuss this any further I will handle it" He Screamed again

"But" said Seto's small voice "You can't simply ignore this..."

The Pharaoh snapped his head back to seto his eyes glowing 

"Leave before I make you beg for your life" 

Seto bowed leaving the pharaoh in his thoughts.

It was true, Yugi was his brother, his twin brother in fact. His father made the choice when they were just babies to send the smallest one away to a family who couldn't have children of their own. As he feared a war between both bothers since we both had a right to the throne. He never knew his brother  but often when he was a child he would look out the palace window and catch glimpse of Yugi and the other children playing. He hated him, he hated the freedom he had. He didn't have to wear the family curse that their father so generously left him to deal with. He got to live free. 

The Pharaoh's teeth grinded thinking of a revolt and Yugi taking his place. Though The Pharaoh was cruel he so desperately wanted to be loved and accepted. Yugi needed to be dealt with, but he didn't want to just kill him he wanted him to go through the same trials and pain he was put through. 

The Pharaoh collapsed back in the throne chair rubbing his temples trying to clear away the difficult thoughts. 

"My Pharaoh" A soft women voice approached him "About the girl...do you still plan to join her for dinner?" a servant spoke hesitantly walking toward the pharaoh

The Pharaohs eyes flashed open 

"Yes...yes I do"

I need to have a Little entertainment tonight

He snapped his fingers and began to smile as the shrieks of the servant could be heard through the palace as her limbs were torn apart joint by joint from her body

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