Chapter 4: Stubborn

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Two hours from town in an old townhouse:

"Dammit Stephen, will you shut those brats up already!" Jared rubbed his temples. "They're giving me a migraine."

Stephen stared at the plain beige walls and scoffed. "If you'd just let me slice them up, you wouldn't have that problem."

Jared glared at him. "No one is harming those kids physically until I say so," he turned to each of his men. "Is that understood?"

Stephen and the small group of three other men nodded and sighed.

A skinny woman who looked like she barely weighed more than a toothpick, with straight blond hair, covered her ears. "For crying out loud give them some damn sandwiches and water. That's bound to shut the little heathens up for a little while." Her painted red lips pressed together in a thin line.

Stephen sighed and walked into the tiny practically bare kitchen. He threw together some ham and cheese sandwiches. He got two cups and filled them with water and slammed them onto a small metal platter.

Stomping down the hallway, he opened a door and slammed the platter in front of the kids. "There, now shut the hell up!"

A five year old boy with dark brown hair and broad shoulders, pulled back his foot and kicked Stephen's shin. "Meanie head! Don't scare my sister!" His brown eyes narrowed up at the big bully and lit with defiance.

Ethan stood protectively between his sister and the bully. He glowered at the hulking man for frightening his sister.

Stephen growled and raised his hand to slap the child.

Jared, who had followed behind, caught the hand mid swing. "I said not to touch them!" His gray eyes narrowed at his muscle man.

Stephen stormed out of the room, muttering about getting kicked.

Jared stared icily at the little boy. "Don't attack anyone again, or else." His tone and the deadly look in his eyes caused the little boy to jump.

Ethan quickly scampered towards the corner his sister was in and ate quietly, while glaring at the bald headed man.

Jared sighed heavily and locked the door, before walking into the office and pulling out his Tylenol. "Damned kids." He tossed back to tablets and chased them down with water.

If we harm the kids before I call that bitch, she'll never do what I want. She's too damned stubborn to ever do things the easy way.

Back in town:

Devin sighed tiredly as he wiped down the bar. The last costumer had been shooed out an hour ago and he was finally finished cleaning up.

He was just about lock the door, when Katelyn pounded on the door. "Open up Devin!"

He blinked and whipped the door back. His eyes widened. When did she get back?

She grit her teeth and was mentally kicking herself for even coming here. She really wished she didn't have to do this, but her babies were in danger and this was her only option left.

Devin frowned. "What brings you here?"

She stared at him and rubbed her sweaty palm down her jean clad thighs. "I need to contact Cal-"

Devin blurted out, "He isn't available." Adding, "I was just about to close up, so-"

Staring directly into his grey eyes, she stuck her steel toed boot in the door. "I'm not kidding Devin. It's a matter of life and death."

Sensing the urgency in her voice and watching her bite her lower lip, he sighed heavily and nodded, motioning for her to come in.

She bowed her head and entered. "Thanks Devin." She walked over to the bar stool and sat down. She began twisting her hands together. Then she began picking lint off her clothes.

Noticing how fidgety she was, he poured her a shot of whiskey. "Here it'll calm your nerves."

She stared at the shot glass tempted just for a moment to give in. The call of the whiskey taunted her. She swallowed and licked her lips. She shook her head, pushing it away. "No thanks, I quit, remember?"

Devin nodded and downed it himself. He leaned over the bar. "So what brings you here?"

She sighed and swallowed the lump in her throat. "Jared nabbed my kids from mom's while I was at work." She showed him the envelope and the note.

After reading the note, Devin's eyes widened and his face paled. He ran back to the office and began dialing the phone frantically.

Come on, come on, pick up already. His manicured nails impatiently tapped the desk.

The machine kicked in on the other side of the line.

"Calum I know you're there, now pick up the phone!"

Calum scowled and slapped the phone, raising the receiver to his ear. "This had better be important."

"Get your ass over to the bar- now!"

Calum blinked and checked his watch. "Huh? I thought you closed it already?"

"Just get here fast! It's urgent!" without waiting for confirmation, Devin hung up.

Calum stared at the phone as the dial tone rang heavy in the balmy night air. Knowing that Devin wasn't the type to panic without cause, he shook his head and grabbed his jacket.

He stuck his keys in his pocket after locking the door and walked down the street muttering to himself.

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