Chapter 6: Face to Face

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Face to Face:

Calum's heart beat wildly, thundering in his ears as he burst through the door ready to rip someone limb from limb. Splinters of wood flew through the air to scatter across the floor, from the sheer force of how hard he slammed the door shut.

His chest heaved with each sharp breath. He had expected to find trouble, instead all he found was Devin sitting at the bar drinking. His lips formed into sinister sneer and his eyes narrowed.

He stomped over to the bar. "You call me up at two am and tell me in a panicky voice to get my ass to the bar because it's urgent." He clenched his fist. "So, I run over here expecting to find trouble and what do I find?"

Calum inhaled a deep breath and bellowed, "You sitting at the bar, drinking!" Angry flames danced in his eyes as he moved closer toward his brother.

Used to his brother's temper, Devin pulled out a second shot glass and quietly poured his brother a shot of vodka. He pushed the shot glass towards his brother. "Here, you're going to need this."

Calum's nostrils flared. His bicep flexed as he raised his hand. He slapped the shot glass off the counter, and then snatched the bottle from his brother's hand. He tossed the bottle to the floor, shattering glass everywhere.

Devin stared from the shattered bottle to his brother's angry face and sighed. "You're gonna regret that in a minute."

Calum reached out and snagged Devin's collar, lifting him onto the counter. He got right in his face.

Devin could smell the whiskey on his breath and turned his head to the side. "Geez Cal, I thought you were gonna start cutting back on the whiskey? I told you it stinks."

Calum's nostrils flared more. "What the fuck is going on Devin?"

Before Devin could answer, the door bathroom door opened and Katelyn emerged. "Don't be mad at Devin."

Calum's eyes widened and his spine stiffened when the faint, sweet scent of cherry blossoms teased his nostrils. His heart raced. He closed his eyes afraid that he was dreaming.

Slowly, very slowly, Calum turned around and opened his eyes. His jaw dropped and he took an involuntary step back, as he recognized the woman across the room. He opened his mouth to speak, but found that he couldn't. He swallowed a few times and tried again. "Katelyn."

Devin scooted off the counter and fixed his shirt. His eyes darted from his brother to Katelyn and back again. The corner of his mouth tilted into an amused smile. He picked up another bottle and poured his brother a shot of vodka.

Calum's unsteady hand reached for the shot glass. The muscle by his jaw ticked and he forced his hand to stop trembling. He lifted the glass to his lips and tossed the shot back.

As the liquor burned in his belly, he gathered his courage around him like battle armor. He turned his head. His eyes zeroed in noting her pale complexion, as he faced the woman whose memories had been haunting his nights for the past six years.

She stared at the stubble on his jaw. Katelyn wiped her sweaty palms on the side of her jean clad thighs, and inhaled a deep steadying breath. She slowly raised her eyes to meet his. "Hello Calum."

A/N: so, now they've come face to face at last XD Tune in to see how Calum's and Katelyn's reunions play out

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