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After he left so abruptly she decided to go back to her seat, this time to truly stay there until it was time to go home, her grandmother had moved to a different table to chat with some guests, letting her sulk be done in peace.

Everyone seemed to be having a great time, and Isabela wished she could too, but she just couldn't.

She took a long sip of her water which she had grabbed on the way there, and Camilo was right it was delicious. She went in for a second sip.

"Hey" Unexpectedly a pair of warm hands grabbed her shoulders

With a shriek she spit out the mouthful she had just took

"I'm sorry!" Elena patted her back to help with her sudden coughing fit

It took a moment but Isabela recovered, although her face stayed red from the struggle and embarrassment.

"Here" Elena used her handkerchief to delicately wipe her lips "Are you okay?" She asked still covering her mouth

Isabela muffled out a reply and Elena quickly removed the soft fabric with a chuckle

"I'm good...Thank you" Isabela said quietly and tore her eyes away from her

"Isabela" Elena's voice was higher than usual

"Yes?" She turned to look at her into her big soft eyes.

And Elena smiled but it was came off as nervous

"Would...You dance with me?"

Isabela's heart fluttered without warning

And her eyes immediately widened at the question...Dancing with Elena, who was a girl? Wouldn't everyone around them find it strange?

But why would they find it strange? If it was only two friends having a good time together.

She glanced at the guests and some were dancing with their friends of the same sex.

Proof was Mirabel and Dolores having a dance off without anyone who didn't know them giving them second looks

"If you don't want to it's okay" Elena nodded gently and offered her another smile "I can bring us some cake and we can sit here and eat"

"I want to" Isabela muttered now totally avoiding eye contact

"Okay, chocolate or tres leches?"
Elena didn't miss a beat but she hadn't understood what Isabela meant

"No...I mean...I want to dance with you"

"You do?" Elena reached out for her hand "I promise not to step on your feet" She grinned warmly

Isabela got up trying to hide her shaky legs "I can't promise the same thing" She pushed her nerves and chuckled, tightening the hold around Elenas hand as they walked together to a spot that wasn't too crowded.

The music was fast and loud but it ended as soon as they began and it changed to a slow and gentle tune

Elena looked at Isabela one hand holding hers and the other one hovering over her waist "Can I?" She asked before placing it down

Isabela timidly nodded yet a thrill ran through her body as she did. Elena was close, too close, more than Eduardo, but with her she felt an inexplicable warm comfort, one that made her want to never let go.

For some time she felt carefree, dancing slowly with her, and listening to her blooming sweet voice . But as expected it didn't last long and she remembered where she was and what she was doing...She took a small step back taking another chance to glance around anxiously. Two friends dancing together, just two friends dancing together there's nothing wrong with that.

"You're a great dancer, you know that?'' Elena said pulling back her attention "You're my favorite dance partner"

"I'm sure you've danced with much better partners"

"Well you are the better partner, and even though I've only known you for a short time...You are my favorite everything''

You are my favorite everything too
Isabela's words got caught up in her throat

"Even my favorite cacti thrower" She chuckled lightheartedly and stepped forward closing the gap that Isabela had previously made.

Once again Elena's perfume was intoxicating in the best way, and her face was just inches away from her and she could see her with so much detail, her smile was inviting and kind, her eyes were so gentle and full of life that she didn't mind getting lost in them...Or in her lips that looked so soft, would they feel soft too? She stared at them wondering if she could find out.

Stop stop stop
It's wrong
Why would she even think that?

"I noticed what you did"

Isabela startled

Elena unknowingly began to spin her around slowly "The adorning flowers...I- I love them. Thank you Isabela, they're beautiful and -'' She stopped and shook her head starting another fresh sentence"I put the dahlia in between the pages of my diary so I can keep it with me forever" Elena whispered as she stopped dancing and pulled her in for a hug "I'm so happy that I found a friend like you"


The music finally stopped and Elena pulled away then tapped her finger against Isabela's cheek "Thank you again"

Isabela's whole body trembled and she wanted nothing more than to be in her embrace for a bit more.

"Do you...Maybe want to go check out a new flower that I -'' Isabela began fidgeting with her hair and just as she had almost finished talking Eduardo's distant voice interrupted her "Elena honey!"

"Forgive me'' Elena paused to smile at Eduardo's direction"I promised him that I'd save a dance for him''

"It's okay, he's your boyfriend" Her heart felt heavy


And suddenly her eyes felt hot and tears started to form...She couldn't control it.

Isabela shut them close and turned away from Elena.

She knew the truth, those strange unknown sensations that she had been feeling since she met her, the feelings she tried to ignore because they were hard to understand...And scary. But deep down she had always known, the thing was that she had only now realized.

She liked Elena.
She liked her more than a friend.

And she was running away.

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