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Isabela paced around her room, her eyes never leaving the clock.

"You are going to make a hole on the floor" Dolores raised an eyebrow as she lounged in the small couch.

"She should be back by now" Isabela sighed turning to look at her cousin "I'm going out to look for her"

"Isa" Dolores shook her head "Give her time, she wanted to pick up some stuff from her house right? She might still be looking for them"

Isabela agreed but she didn't seem less worried "I just...maybe I should've insisted more in going with her, it's late and-"

"And she'll be back in a little bit" Dolores tried to reassure her, she had an idea of why Elena had gone back alone.

"I must sound like such a possessive girlfriend" Isabela groaned "I know she can take care of herself...but with everything that has happened I-"

"You want to keep her safe" Dolores finished "I get it, and if she doesn't make it back in ten minutes I'll go with you out there, okay?"

Isabela gave her a small smile "Okay"

"In the meanwhile..." Dolores grinned "Tell me all about that album by your nightstand"

Isabela's eyes widened "That didn't look through it right?"

"Not yet" Dolores smirked "But judging by your face I definitely should"


"Why not? What's inside?" She played coy knowing full well why her cousin was getting so flustered.


"Well of course" She laughed with an eye roll "But why did you title it -"

"Don't say it" Isabela covered her face embarrassed.

"Woman with the best bosom around-"

"Okay Dolores that's enough"

"So soft and round"


Dolores burst out laughing "Who would've thought that modest Isa had it in her, way to go cuz!"

"I...I was trying to be poetic! How about you don't go snooping through my stuff?"

Dolores put her hands up in feigned resignation, a teasing smile ready on her lips.
"Why? Will I find more scandalous things?"

"No" Isabela huffed

"Then I can go through that notebook under your pillow?"

"There's nothing scandalous in there" She glanced at her bed "Some letters and poems"

"If they're anything like your album's title I'd say it's-"

"Shut it" Isabela glared "I'm sure you write plenty about Mariano"

"I do" Dolores chuckled "But I typically describe his eyes and smile, oh and how soft his lips are"

"I do too!"

"Yeah some"

"Is that...did you just-" Isabela stared at her in horror "No. Don't even go there!"

Dolores cackled "I'm sorry I love watching your disturbed expressions"

"Why are you even in my room again?" She crossed her arms across her chest "I don't remember inviting you inside"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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