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"Abuela...Now is not the best time" Isabela sucked in a deep breath

"Isabela it's your future we're talking about here"

Isabela glanced at Elena, the future that she hoped for was at her side.

"And I need time to think about it"

Alma pushed the door open, ignoring her granddaughter's wishes.

"What are you all doing here?" She glanced around the room, her hands ready on her hips and her lips set in a thin line.

"We-" Dolores tried to aid her cousin

"Why did you let Ramiro return all alone?" Alma addressed Isabela completely dismissing Dolores

"Can we talk about that later?" Isabela frowned not having the energy to put up with her demands.

"Well he's downstairs waiting for you" Alma moved to stand next to her "And as I mentioned-he notified me of something concerning...That's why I want to talk with you"

Isabela's body felt cold under her grandmother's unreadable expression.

"Alone if you will" Alma cleared her throat

"Abuela I would like to stay with Elena she-"

"Your mother told me that she came home feeling ill...But now I see that she has made a full recovery, right?"

Isabela glowered at her grandmother's disinterest

"You can come back to your friend as soon as we finish talking" Alma's voice became softer after noticing Isabela's glumness "I promise it won't take long"


Alma took her granddaughter's hand and pulled her outside into the hallway, she quickly ushered her into her room and closed the door behind them to keep the conversation away from prying ears.

"Please sit"

Isabela sat on the bed as instructed, her palms had started sweating from the moment her grandmother had requested a talk.

Alma was quiet for a moment, deeply contemplating something.

"Isabela" She started off with a sigh "Ramiro told me what happened at the well"

"Abuela I- he was disrespectful and-" Isabela rushed to explain only to be silenced by Alma

"It's okay. Elena's incautious actions aren't your responsibility, I know you wouldn't act in that same stupid manner on your own"

"She was defending me I don't see how that was stupid behavior"

"Defending you? Ramiro said -she punched him over a harmless observation"

"About my body!"

Alma frowned, this clearly was news to her.

"He isn't a nice man abuela...I don't want anything to do with him" Isabela looked down avoiding her gaze.

"Don't you think that you're judging him a little too soon?"

"If he acts like that on the first dinner when there's a lot on the line...How is he going to behave once he gets what he wants?"

"You're not even trying to look at it from a positive side sweetheart, think of the good things that this relationship could bring, he has the luxury to give you more than a wonderful life! Once you have kids you'll want the best life for them and as a husband and a father he will have to provide that"

"Why does it have to be him at all costs?"

"Isabela, I want the best for you my dear"

"And you think that the best for me is being with someone who won't respect me? To have a luxurious life but be utterly unhappy?"

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