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Isabela sat on her bed trying to concentrate on the book currently on her hands but her mind kept wandering off.

It had been nearly three weeks since Elena's family returned and things were a little bit more complicated than she had expected.

Their planned secret encounters hadn't gotten through due to Alma's intense watch and her threats.

She had made it very clear that she wouldn't hesitate to speak with the Gomez' if Isabela didn't stay away Elena.

"Isa?" Mirabel's curls bounced as she poked her head in

Isabela was required to have her bedroom door open at all times thanks to her grandmother's new rules.

"Hey" Isabela glanced away from the unread pages to look at her

"I went to buy the fruit today" Mirabel softly closed the door behind her

"With the Rosas'?"

Alma wanted nothing to do with Elena's family and she had found a new place for their weekly shopping trips.

"Yeah" Mirabel sat next to her sister on the bed "But I passed by the Gomez' on my way there"

"Oh...was Elena there?" Isabela perked up, she hadn't seen her in many days.

Mirabel nodded with a smile "And she gave me this" she reached into her bag and pulled out a small card "For you"

"And I didn't read it by the way" Mirabel added with a chuckle "I know that I'm nosy but I'm not that nosy"

Isabela laughed lightheartedly "Right" she shook her head with a smile as she grabbed the card and began to read it.

I've missed you terribly so.
Your beautiful eyes
Your soft lips
Your gentle hands
I could continue but I'd never end
because well...
I miss everything about you.

Have a great day my princess
I'll try to see you soon.

Love you.

P.S. turn the card around.

Isabela's heart fluttered as she looked at the back of the card and found a photograph attached

"What's on there?" Mirabel tried to get a look but Isabela shielded it hastily "No!"

"You...can't see that" Isabela cheeks turned pink as she glanced back at the photograph

"Oh!" Mirabel burst out laughing "I think I've got an idea now"

Isabela grinned sheepishly and cautiously slipped the photograph inside her book, she'd make sure to hide it in a better place later...the last thing she needed was her grandmother finding a photograph of Elena in her undergarments.

"It's just a photo of Elena"

"Uh huh...what color was her dress?"

"Her dress? She isn't wea-" Isabela stopped herself after accidentally spilling more than she had intended "I uh..."

Mirabel snickered "Well, well, well"

Isabela shoved her sister away with a chuckle "Mirabel!"

Just then there was a knock on her door
"It's probably abuela to tell me to keep my door open"

"I'll get it"

Mirabel rapidly made her way to the door and barely pushed it open "Abuela she's fine I- oh it's you"

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