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In a blur she was back at the party. Isabela didn't know how she had gotten back, her mind was still processing what Eduardo had said.

And it had sent her into a spiral of panic.
How could he possibly know about the letter? And why did he want to talk about it?

If Dolores thought it was more than just a friendly letter, what would he think about it? He could make her life awful if he suspected something.

She felt stupid for even considering giving it to Elena.

She didn't want them to think that she was that kind of different...

Standing in a corner she started to shiver she was really cold but she was sweating heavily

Suddenly she felt a warm embrace from behind and a soft whisper "Is everything okay? Where did you go?"

Her mouth was dry and not a single word came out

"Did I say or do something wrong?" Elena was looking at her with her soft caring eyes "Isabela?"

"No..." Isabela slurred and took a couple of steps back

"Are you feeling okay?" Elena repeated, gently pressing her palm on Isabela's forehead "You are burning hot!"

"I'm okay" She glanced nervously at Eduardo who was watching them with an unreadable expression from a couple of tables away

"You don't look okay" Elena took her hand "Come with me"

Isabela shook her head and pushed her hand away "I should go"

Dolores was talking with Mariano nearby but she constantly casted awkward glances between Isabela and Eduardo, believing that he was the one her cousin had feelings for.

"I have something that might help" Elena's voice was soothing and the next thing that Isabela knew was that she was heading inside the house

"Have you opened any presents?" Isabela spoke quietly hoping that the reason Eduardo knew about the letter wasn't because Elena had already read it.

"No" She chuckled "Why?"

Isabela just kept following her with her head low

"Here we are" Elena dropped her hand to open a door

It looked warm and inviting inside, there was an elegant bookshelf on one of the walls filled with colorful books to complement the various paintings and drawings on the opposite wall, a big window that casted just the right amount of light in, a fresh bed with light blue sheets and a ridiculous amount of pillows to adorn it, next to it was a small table with a framed photograph of a horse and a vase with a single flower...And Isabela realized that she was in Elena's room.

"Lie down, I'm going to get a cold rag"

Isabela did as she was told, she wanted to go and try to talk with Eduardo, but her body had began to feel tired and weak.

As soon as she touched the bed her eyes fluttered close but her heart still remained heavy with worry

Minutes passed until she heard the faint click of the door closing

Then a cold wet cloth was pressed to her face

"You should be enjoying your party" She rasped out

Elena smiled "But I wouldn't have fun without you"

"That's not true"

"It is...Can I lie down with you?"

Isabela's heart soared "...You should be out there"

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