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TW: slight mentions of homophobia

"Don't" Alma held onto Isabela's arm to keep her from packing "You're not taking anything"


"No. You made your choice, now look at everything you'll lose"

"A-Abuela -"

"Izzy I'll go" Elena whispered carefully "This is your home...your family"

"No I... I don't want you to go"

Alma laughed "Please, this is ridiculous. If you want to go Isabela do it now, but don't try to come back when you realize how wrong all of this is"

Isabela met her grandmother's eyes with sadness trying to find even a hint of compassion

"What are you waiting for?" Alma grunted "You want to leave? Then leave"

"I didn't think you'd give up so easily on me" Isabela looked away

"And I-" Alma paused, anger visible on her face "I don't even want to see you right now, you-"

"Mamá?" Julieta's sudden voice startled Alma quiet, none of them had heard her approaching "What's going on?

"Julieta" Alma cleared her throat "I'll handle this"

"Handle what?" Julieta gave her mom a wary look as she stepped closer to Isabela and Elena.

Alma let out a sigh of frustration "It's better if you don't get involved"

"Mom I need to tell you -"

"Isabela stop" Alma immediately raised a hand to interject

"Isabela is my daughter mamá" Julieta scowled "So if something is happening I need to know"

"Well then" Alma nodded "Go on Isabela tell your mother who you've been sleeping with"

"Mamá" Julieta raised an eyebrow in deterrent  "That's Isabela's intimacy...we shouldn't pry"

Alma opened her mouth then quickly closed it again after hearing some movement outside the room "We need to discuss a serious situation, but I'd rather have this conversation in my room" She knew the proximity of Mirabel's room and how much her young granddaughter liked to meddle around.

"Okay" Julieta gave her daughter a reassuring look before following Alma out.


" might want to sit down for this"

Julieta shook her head confused
"Mamá we need to let Isabela be, she's an adult and we can't control her decisions"

"Huh. Do you want our family to be the talk of the town?"

"Why... is she with a lot of men?" Julieta looked a little surprised but not scandalized

"No, the problem is that there's no men at all!"

"What? I don't understand what's the matter then"

Alma's knuckles were turning white from gripping the once discarded envelope

"Your daughter is-" She took a shaky breath and faced her daughter "She is..."

"She's what mamá?"

"It's hard to even say it" Alma sighed troubled "It's something quite shameful"

"Tell me what is going on you're worrying me"

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