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Elena tried to go after Melvin but Isabela held her back.

"He's going to tell your grandmother" Elena looked bewildered "We have to stop-"

"We can't do anything about it" Isabela exhaled softly, her gentle grip loosening

"But if your grandmother finds out-"

"Elena" Isabela knew her grandmother would find out without a doubt...there was nothing they could do about it "Let's not think about that right now"

Elena frowned, sitting up to get a better look at her. She was still straddling her but the ambience had shifted by miles "Princess we need to think about it...He's literally on his way there"

"I just..." Isabela sighed as she averted her eyes "We can't stop him. He will end up telling her no matter what we do"

"Shouldn't we at least try?" Elena frowned

"We aren't ready to put a whole stop to this...and I know we have always managed to be together" Isabela started softly "But it's going to get harder"

Elena's face softened "Your grandma won't let anything tempt you"

"Yeah...after today she'll be more determined than ever to keep me on the so called right path. That's why I just want to enjoy this time with you" Isabela confessed quietly "If we can't stop what's coming for now, I want to spend what I can at your side"

"Okay" Elena tender eyes met hers with unwavering resolve "Let's forget about the world for today"

Isabela tried to smile but the anonymity of the future scared her.

"Just remember" Elena held both of her hands, immediately calming her worries "No matter how hard things become...we will be together, okay?"

"I know. They can't keep us away" Isabela whispered, not fully believing if it was something to be so sure about.

Isabela could see the same hesitation on her girlfriend's face, the worry behind her eyes. But they wouldn't speak about...not in that moment.

They had agreed to forget about everything. For a fleeting moment they could pretend to be free from their burdens.


"What do you want to do princess?" Elena asked timidly after a long moment of silence. Pretending that nothing was going on was not a simple task.

"I...we can try to have a proper date" Isabela tentatively offered "If that's something you'd like if not we can do anything else-"

"A date sounds perfect" Elena smiled "But I'm not letting you off the hook about that other movie date"

Isabela chuckled softly "Wouldn't have it any other way"

Pushing their problems aside probably wasn't the greatest idea, but having a bit of peaceful bliss was worth it.

"I actually want to show you something" Elena grinned "I was going to wait a little to surprise you but...I think now's a good time"

"Then lead the way, love"


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