Part 5

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P Mile go back to his room after he kiss me on the cheeks and said goodbye to everyone. I can see that all of them are looking at me after P Mile is not here.

Build : So Po? Anything you want to update to us?

Apo : W-what? There's nothing!

Ohm : Yeah right nothing. What is it between you and P Mile?

Apo : I said there's nothing! Just like usual.

Ohm : What is that kiss just now? Hmmmm...

Build : Yeah Po. What is that kiss? Tell us now!

Apo : No that was nothing. Just believe in me!

Build : Okay this is how you want it to be? Okay. Jeff Ohm let's start!

I look at them one by one after Build said that. I can see they are getting nearer me with a mischievous smile on their face. I tried to run away from there but got caught by Ohm first. They start to pounce me on the floor and tickling me to make me say the truth. After a few seconds later I feel like I need to give up.

Apo : Okay2. I'll tell the truth. Please stop! I can't stand it anymore! Please!

Jeff : It'll be easier if you don't reject us earlier. Serve you right! Now tell us!

Ohm : Yeah tell us!

Build : What is it? Tell now!

Apo : Okay I'll tell you guys. Just let me catch a breath first. Huuuu....

Bible : Just say it Po! You are making me curious too now!

Apo : Okay here it is. P Mile confess to me again.

Build/Bible/Jeff/Ohm : HUH? When?

Apo : That night that you brought him to my house. He confessed to me after you guys left.

Build : Then2? Are you in a relationship now with him?

Apo : No not yet! I'm not gonna be with him until I'm free from my brothers.

Build : Oh! I can understand that. It's okay, just accept him after we fight with your brothers. He's gonna be waiting for you. Don't need to be in hurry.

Bible : Yeah that's right Po. Take your time. It's gonna be okay.

Apo : Yeah guys. Thanks for supporting my decision.

Build : We're not done yet Po! So how can he be so brave to kiss you just now if you are not in a relationship yet?

Apo : No comment. You should ask him not me! It's not me that kiss him.*blush*

Bible : Okay that's enough guys! He will tell us when he is comfortable. Don't force him anymore.

Build : Okay2. Let's go to sleep then.

Apo : *whisper*Thanks Bible. Yeah lets go sleep guys.

All of us get ready to get to sleep after that. They head to their bed one by one while me head to Build bed. Build invite me to sleep beside him. When I lay on his bed, he start to hug me and say good night to me.


Today I woke up around 8am and head to the bathroom to take a shower. I get ready to go out after I'm done taking a shower. When I'm done I head to Build's room to check on them. I knock on the door but no one answer. So I tried once more. Then Bible open the door.

Bible : Oh P, you are already here. Come in. Sorry P. We are not up yet. I'll wake them up. Wait a minute P.

Bible start to wake them up one by one. They start to grunt when they wake up except one person. That is Apo that is still sleeping. I said to Bible I will wake him up and they can go to take a shower first. He just said okay. After they have gone, I walk to Apo to wake him up.

Mile : Apo. Po! Po!*shake his body*

Apo :*groaning* Yeah, what is it? Oh it's you P.

Mile : Get up now Po! All of them are up already.

Apo : *stretch his body* Okay P. I'll get up now.

Mile : Wait! *kiss Apo's cheek* Good morning Po.

Apo : *blush* Y-yeah good morning P.

Then he run to the bathroom. I look at him and smile. I wait for them in their room. A few minutes later they get back again with Apo. They get ready in rush when they see I'm waiting for them. Around 8.50am all of them are ready so we head to my car. While we're walking to my car, I hold Apo hands like I did yesterday. At first Apo reject me because of his friends but when I keep doing it, Apo just let me hold his hand. They saw us and start to tease us.

Ohm : Ohhhhh...holding hands.

Jeff : Ohhhhhh.

Build : So P what is your relationship now?

Apo : Stop it guys! I already told all of you yesterday. Don't ask him again!

Ohm : What? That's from your point of view. We want to know from P Mile point of view too. So P? Your answer is?

Mile : We're going to get late! Let's get going.

I run while holding Apo hand to avoid them asking again. They keep chasing us until at the car.

Mile : Now get in. We should go now. It's already 9am now. We still have to discuss with my brothers. Let's go!

Build : Okay P. Let's get in guys.

I release Apo hand so that he can go to take a seat at the passenger seat beside me. When all of us have gotten inside the car, I immediately drive to the hotel where my brothers are staying.

MileApo Vampire- Love You my Blood ✔️Where stories live. Discover now