Part 2

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I wake up at 8am today. I felt so tired today since I was crying all night long. Today I've decided to skip school for a day and wait for my mom's arrival. She said that she's coming here today so I think it's better if I wait for her today. She sent a message to me this morning and said that she will arrive around 10am. So immediately after I woke up and take a shower, I went to the airport waiting for her.

Around 9.40am I've arrived at the airport. So I just go to the arrival waiting area to wait for my mom. Around 10.15am, I can see her walking through the gate. I waved my hand to her and after awhile she wave to me too after she saw me. I walk to her.

Mile : Mom! How is your flight? Are you tired?

Mom : Hmm.. I'm a little bit tired. I was in the flight for 3 hours anyway.

Mile : Should we go to the hotel I'm staying then so you can get some rest.

Mom : Sure, let's go.

I take her luggages from her hand and lead her the way to outside. At the gate of the airport there's already a taxi on standby to take any customer that don't have transportation. We head to that taxi and get inside the taxi. I tell the driver to drive to my hotel. He only nodded his head and drives away from the airport.

In the car, we only talk about something simple before my mom take a nap because she was so tired. So I decided to stay silent sitting beside her. We are in the car for almost an hour before we arrived at the hotel I'm staying.

I wake her up so that we can get down from the taxi. After that I lead her to my room. Inside the room, she immediately head to the bed and said she's gonna take some rest. I just nodded my head and head to the living room to watch the TV for awhile.

Around 12pm my mom wakes up, so she comes to me at the living room.

Mom : What are you watching?

Mile : Oh mom. You have woke up? I watched anything that comes out of the TV mom.

Mom : Oh then, can you show me some Thai drama. I want to try watch one.

Mile : Sure, I'll search one...............How about this mom?

Mom : Okay *sits beside me*

Without we notice, it's already night right now. We just keep watching the TV the whole time. I noticed that my mom tried to talk to me a few times before but she stopped. She must he hesitating to ask me about why I cried yesterday.

Mile : Mom? Are you okay? Do you want me to fetch you some blood? I can go to the nearest hospital and snatch a few bloods.

Mom : No it's okay Mile. Come here. I want to ask you something.

Mile : Yeah. What is it mom?

Mom : Did you cried last night? I can hear from your voice. Did something happened?

Mile already knew that his mom will ask about this. He already prepared to tell his mom everything.

Mile : I got rejected mom.

Mom : What? How? Was it Apo that reject you?

Mile : Yeah Apo mom. There's no one that I like other than him mom. You know that right.

Mom : So what happened? Tell me.

I told her everything that happened. While I was telling her, my tears that I've been holding today flow down again. My mom keep holding my hand while I'm talking. I finished after about 30 minutes later.

Mom : So what do you think you are going to do now?

Mile : *still crying*I don't know mom. I'm so confused right now

Mom : Are you giving up on him?

Mile : I don't know mom. I think that's what better right?

Mom : Look at me Mile. What happened to the Mile that was so brave to come here alone to chase his love? Where is he right now?

Mile : He's gone mom.

Mom : Listen Mile. You know that your decisions to chase him will be tough before right? So just because you're rejected once you're gonna give up? Come on, my Mile isn't this type of person.

Mile : But what can I do mom? He said that he hate me.

Mom : It's still not late to change his mind Mile. You still have a lot of time.

Mile : Do you think I should keep chasing him mom? Is it okay?

Mom : Of course it is. Come on, you have me on your back. Don't worry.

Mile : Thank you mom. I'll do my best again. But what should I do now mom?

Mom : That's up to you. Can't you do it yourself? Do I need to teach you how to make someone fall in love now?

Mile : Well mom, you are my love coach.

We talk for awhile what I should do from now on to get Apo to love me. Thanks to her talk I gained my confidence again. I'm gonna try again with Apo. This time I won't give up so easily again. Just wait for me Apo. This time I'm gonna go full speed without any breaks. You're gonna fall in love in with me Po.

MileApo Vampire- Love You my Blood ✔️Where stories live. Discover now