Part 6

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After they've done fighting, they come to me and ask for my forgiveness for being so loud earlier.

Build : P sorry for being so loud. We forgot that this is not our room.

Mile : No it's okay. You can be like that. I'm fine with it.

Build : We better not do things like that. I don't want to make you feel annoyed with us.

Mile : Hahha I won't Build. It's okay.

Build : Leave it P! So what did you want to tell me earlier?

Mile : Oh let's take a seat first.

I brought them to a dinner table that I bought by myself and put in my room. It's not big just enough for 4 persons. So it's not taking so much space of my room. I bring an extra chair for me to seat with them at the table.

Bible : Okay, what is it about P?

Mile : I'm telling you about Apo.

Build : What about him P? Is he okay?

Mile : Calm down Build. He's okay. I just wanna tell you that my brothers have agreed to help us.

Build : Really P? You're not joking right?

Mile : Yeah Build. You are excited right?

Build : Of course P. Finally Apo can get his happiness again. I'm glad for him. So P, when are they coming here?

Mile : They're coming in 2 days. I've make a promise with Apo to go pick them up on the airport later together.

Jeff : Ohh, is this a date P?

Mile : What date? No it's not! We're just picking up my brothers.

Ohm : Ohh P. Don't need to be shy with us! We know what you're thinking and we're supporting you about this.

Build/Bible/Jeff : Yeah P. That's right.

Mile : Thank you guys for accepting me.

Build : No that's nothing P. So P, what are you planning?

Mile : I don't know. I don't have experiences before. What do you think I should do?

Jeff : Take him to go eat P before your brothers come. Make a promise with him to meet a few hours early.

Mile : Yeah okay. I'll do that. So where should I bring him to eat? What is his favourite foods? Tell me!

Build : He likes steak P and also sweet things. You can bring him to eat those later.

Mile : Oh I see. Okay. I'll search for the place later. Thanks guys.

Build : Oh it's okay P. Good luck P! Remember you have us behind your back!

Mile : Thank you guys.
I do a fist bump with each one of them as a sign for thank you.

Build : Yeah P. Have you been hunting these days? We're getting hungry lately. I think we need to go hunting tonight. You want to join us?

Mile : Yeah sure. Let's go.

Bible : What about me? Should I go back now?

Mile : No just stay here until we get back Bible. It's okay.

Bible : Are you sure P? Is it okay for me to stay here?

Mile : Yeah just stay here. When we get back, let's talk more. We haven't talk with each other lately. Okay?

Bible : Okay if you said like that P. I'll stay here then. You guys can go now. I'll be here.

Build : Okay Bible. We'll get going now. Take care.

Bible : *nods*

All of us head to the window and go to hunt. Bible just playing with his phone while waiting for us to come back. After a few hours later, we get back again.

Bible : Oh you guys are done?

Build : Yeah. What have you been doing?

Bible : I was just playing with my phone.

Build : Oh okay.

We start talking after that. We had so much fun that night. Now I feel that they really are opening up to me. They tell me about themselves to me. Even I told them about myself. Tonight is the night that we are getting to know each other better.

Around 2am, they excused themselves so that they can go sleep. They said they are so sleepy now. I just let them go and head to my bed later and fall asleep.


Tonight, I'm waiting for P Mile to call me. I've been busy the whole day today helping my brothers about business. I thought it's good to hear his voice now.

I was waiting for him to call me. But still no call from him, so I thought he is busy today to call me. So I let it go and stop waiting for him. I should just go to sleep now. I'm feeling so tired right now.

Before I fall asleep, I look at the picture that he send to me yesterday. In the picture, he was wearing a robe. So in the picture, I can see his body since he is not tying the robe. I can see the abs on him. It is so beautiful that is making me blushing every time I see them. Isn't he shy sending me this type of picture? Or am I the weird one to feel shy looking at his body? Hahha. I don't want to think so much, so I close my phone to sleep. If I look at the picture more, I'm afraid I'm gonna call him. So l think it's better to stop and sleep.

MileApo Vampire- Love You my Blood ✔️Where stories live. Discover now