Chapter Two

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"You're going to your uncles after school from now on!" Chester's father snapped at him, drawing tears into his sons eyes.

"No..." He breathed out. He couldn't go to that monster's house again like he had before in the past. He couldn't go through this again, he wasn't strong enough for it. "Please, dad, no-"

"After this week, you're going. End of story." His father left, probably to a bar. Chester wondered what he did wrong to deserve this. He didn't do anything, he was just a couple minutes late. He wanted more than anything to escape this world and the future that held for him. He just couldn't go.

"Fuck!" Chester shouted throughout his cold, empty house in frustration. He slammed his hands down on the table and yelped in pain. He was so terrified and out of control with emotion. "What do I do?! I can't go back there! I can't!"

Chester cursed himself silently in his head for talking to himself. He knew it was a habit of his from spending too much time alone. He looked over at the clock and saw school wouldn't start for about another hour, he needed to get there before the bullies did. He didn't know how he was expected to go through today, knowing just next week it could all start again. He walked out the door with tears in his eyes.


He felt odd. Mike was crisp and clean, his bags packed and put in the trunk, and oddly enough, riding in the front seat by Scott. It was uncomfortable to say the least. This man was Satan in disguise. Any moment, he could burst into flames and beat Mike as he screams prayers and makes a cross with his fingers.

Of course that's a bit of an exaggeration but Scott truly is soulless. Mike looks into his eyes and sees nothing. Not loneliness, hurt, pain... Just empty cold walls beyond his eyes. He must be hiding something, something that makes him human.

They had already driven the entire length to Arizona and were now pulling into a hotel parking lot, their new home and hopefully Mike's last before he gets set free. He wanted more than anything to get away from this horrible man.

They checked in quickly and instantly began unpacking when they entered the room. There were two beds and Scott took the one closest to the door. The bathroom was just beyond the entry and a TV sat on top of a dresser. A mini fridge sat in the corner under a microwave. A table was next to it, a coffee maker on top of it, and two chairs surrounding it.

"We're living here until I make my decision on if I want the kid or not." Scott said and paused. "And you'll see if I want him for me."

"What? How?" Mike asked, clearly confused as his face masked in puzzlement.

"I'm enrolling you into the kid's school and you're going to find him. You'll say that you're friends with someone who can give him a record deal if they like his voice and have him sing through a recorder and bring it back to me. If I like it, simply bring him here and I'll take him. Easy." Scott replied casually and Mike slowly nodded his head. "I've already enrolled you by the way. Your first day is tomorrow. The sooner, the better."

"Wait, but how am I supposed to know who this kid even is?" Mike asked, hoping this wouldn't be too complicated. Scott dug into his pocket and pulled out a small picture and gave it to him.

The first thing that caught Mike's eye was the unusual darkness of his eyes, they looked so haunted. His pale skin grabbed him next, making his eyes seem to pop more. Mike's eyes trailed up and noticed he had platinum blonde hair, it seemed to really suit him. His body seemed extremely tiny, he must be skinniest boy alive.

"His name is Chester Bennington. If my friends are right and he's just as talented as they think he is, it'll be no question at all on if you'll be freed or not. Just warning you, you must do it quickly. I know others are set out to get him too." Scott sighed and he nodded.

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